Search Result for “s8 plus”

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Roborock Unveils “Roborock S8 Series”

Published on 23/03/2023

» Roborock, the world-class smart robotic vacuum and mop cleaner brand, has unveiled the latest Roborock cleaning vacuum model “Roborock S8 Series” under the concept ‘New Innovation for the Ultimate Level of Cleaning’. The Roborock S8 Series is billed as the most intelligent robot vacuum and mop cleaner ever produced to elevate an efficient house cleaning to the new peak.



Chinese tech companies are at it again

Life, James Hein, Published on 12/05/2021

» A reminder on the importance of both scalable systems and load testing. The recent Philippines' attempt to expand its national ID programme had a number of issues when they introduced a two-factor authentication system. PhilSys, as it is known, started out just fine when registrations began in 2020, when paper forms were still used. This in itself was a little strange as the purpose of the new system was to do away with the need to present physical documents when interacting with government agencies. PhilSys the digital ID system was marketed as such and promised transformation and other buzzwords including easier opening of bank accounts. All of this would also help everyone involved during Covid times. After 28 million paper applications, the digital system was turned on and in the first hour 40,000 people tried to register. The system promptly fell over due to the load and inability to scale quickly. Most IT people will admit to a similar experience in their past, but by 2021 there are surely enough historical examples of what will happen if you don't do sufficient load testing before a major release like this.



Media consumption on-the-go, to the max

Life, Komsan John Jandamit, Published on 04/04/2018

» Let's focus on the screen first. With the world's best smartphone screen, verified by renowned DisplayMate, Samsung's latest S9+ makes other screens pale in comparison. Colour accuracy, crisp sharpness and deep black make the S9+ very pleasing to the eye, especially if you're crazy for YouTube and gaming.


It's time to update those passwords

Life, James Hein, Published on 14/03/2018

» If you've ever wondered if your login details have ever been grabbed by one of the ever increasing hack breaches then I suggest you go to Troy Hunt's "Have I Been Pawned" website at You could troll through the Dark Web and look at the actual data, but this is a lot easier and safer. Once there, search for your usernames and email addresses. Yes, more than one of mine had been hacked. If you use the same username, email address and password combinations for every site you sign up on then this becomes very important. Imagine there is some site that has been hacked for which you use the same combination you do on your banking site. Now the hacker has your banking login. I keep similar combinations for those sites I don't care about if they go in as me, but stricter and individual passwords for places like banks and PayPal. If the blood just drained out of your face as you think about this, then it may be time to update a few passwords and logins.


A techie Xmas to one and all

Life, James Hein, Published on 20/12/2017

» Another year has passed, and it is time to take a look back.



The return of the king of phablets

Life, Komsan John Jandamit, Published on 01/11/2017

» After a year of explosions, literally, Samsung has brought its Note series back to the marketplace.


Upgrading to the Samsung S8

Life, James Hein, Published on 05/07/2017

» So, I finally went for the smartphone upgrade and ordered a Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus. The Chinese phones are not quite there in terms of feature set, and the prices on them keep rising. The next article will cover some of the issues I faced moving from my current S5, and the wonders of the new phone as I discover them. After that, the next question will be "Do I get the docking station and VR kit or not?".


Facing up to social media bias

Life, James Hein, Published on 21/06/2017

» An interesting thing is happening on the major sharing and information sites like Facebook, Google, Yahoo and others. In what is supposed to be an open and free environment, political editing bias is starting to creep in. The local phenomenon that started in the US has started to pervade the global system. This is not the direct political editing that occurs in places such as China but that of one group's opinions suppressing another side's. It is not an issue if the views being suppressed are demonstrably incorrect but in some cases the factual and data based views are those being suppressed in favour of the unsupportable "politically correct" ones of small but outspoken groups.



For your eyes only

Life, Komsan John Jandamit, Published on 31/05/2017

» There is no getting around it: the Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus (and the smaller regular S8) knocks all rivals out of the water with its phenomenal screen sharpness and size compared to the size of the phone.


Thank the NSA for latest global ransomware

Life, James Hein, Published on 24/05/2017

» Everyone is talking about WannaCry(pt), the latest ransomware worm that attacked over 150 countries across the globe. It hit hospitals, universities, businesses, a telco, train stations and more. Microsoft responded by releasing emergency security patches for Windows versions as far back as XP. To Microsoft's credit they had released a patch for the issue in February, well before this exploit hit, so those that did not update were the ones hit. The lesson here is to install your security patches when they are available.