Search Result for “rudy giuliani”

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Trump: The mills of the gods grind slowly

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 19/08/2023

» 'The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine," wrote Sextus Empiricus, a Sceptic philosopher who lived mainly in Athens and Alexandria almost 2,000 years ago. Justice may be slow to come, but in the end the wicked will be punished. The mills are turning.


Trump's lessons for defending the rule of law

Oped, Published on 07/07/2022

» A new show currently airing gives fresh meaning to the term reality TV. Call it American Democracy: Clear and Present Danger. It should be required viewing.


A good time to chill out and be cool

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/11/2020

» It was a strange week even by US President Donald Trump's standards. It began with him pardoning turkeys and ended in pardoning former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Who is next in line for a pardon one wonders?


Never underestimate the dog lovers' vote

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/11/2020

» It was Harry Truman who famously advised would-be presidents: "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog." President Donald Trump did not heed that advice, becoming the first US president in well over a century not to have a pet of some sort in the White House.



Trump's own Muslim statements are his worst enemy

News, Published on 23/03/2017

» Throughout the US presidential campaign, Donald Trump boasted of his plan to ban Muslim visitors and immigrants from America. He often criticised Islam, conflating the religion with extremism, at campaign rallies and in television interviews. For more than a year, there were few consequences for Mr Trump invoking an Islamic bogeyman.



Trump's self-destructive bravado

News, Noah Feldman, Published on 02/02/2017

» The Monday night massacre -- as President Donald Trump's firing of acting Attorney-General Sally Yates was inevitably called -- lacked the grand madness of Richard Nixon's famous firing of special prosecutor Archibald Cox on Oct 20, 1973, which prompted the resignations of the attorney-general and the deputy attorney-general.



Tehran stands to gain from Trump

News, Thomas Erdbrink, Published on 22/11/2016

» At first blush, the election of Donald Trump would seem to be bad news for Iran. But there is a chance that, on balance, things could work out surprisingly well for the clerics.



Republican leaders could be nearing Trump breaking point

News, Associated Press, Published on 15/08/2016

» The Republican Party could be nearing a breaking point with Donald Trump.


Power of faith, family will overcome in the Philippines

News, Published on 12/11/2013

» The footage of apocalyptic scenes from the Philippines city of Tacloban and the numbers slowly emerging from the Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development, United Nations agencies and others reporting on Super Typhoon Haiyan's impact bring back all too clearly those images of past tragedies in the region _ the Indian Ocean tsunami that killed tens of thousands here and in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and across the region.