Search Result for “road maintenance”

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Industry rules are broken, not cryptocurrencies

News, Published on 31/08/2023

» When the Venetian merchant Marco Polo travelled the Silk Road in the thirteenth century, he encountered not only unfamiliar peoples, but also new (to him) forms of finance. In China, he was shocked to learn that Kublai Khan had introduced paper money. It was lighter, easier to transfer and store, and more valuable than the metal coins packed in his purse. After returning to Venice, Marco Polo taught his fellow merchants how to use the Khan's innovation. Even though some rejected the flat, foldable currency, arguing that it was no gold and never would be, paper money would change the world.



Hollywood writers' AI fight is everyone's fight

Oped, Published on 05/08/2023

» Artificial intelligence is big business's new flavour of the month. Companies are rushing to showcase how they will be using new generative AI models, and the media is full of stories about the technology's transformative potential. There is no denying that it could significantly increase productivity. But who stands to benefit? The ongoing Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike may offer an answer.



Make Thailand safer

Oped, Editorial, Published on 12/07/2023

» After a woman had her left leg mangled by one of Don Mueang Airport’s moving walkways on June 29, many travellers have been cautious about using such conveyors.



Overdue return to land of rocket men

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 02/07/2023

» Last weekend I found myself in the Northeastern province of Yasothon for the first time in more than 20 years. It brought back fond memories as there was a time ''Yaso" was something of a home away from home.



Public safety off the beam

Oped, Editorial, Published on 04/08/2022

» A falling bridge beam that hit three vehicles and caused two deaths on Sunday night attests to the sad fact of poor public-safety standards in this country.


Gifted James Lovelock was Darwin's heir

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 02/08/2022

» Jim Lovelock was a late bloomer. His first book, Gaia: a New Look at Life on Earth, was published in 1979 when he was already 60 years old. By the time he died last Thursday, on his 103rd birthday, he had written ten more books on Gaia, the hypothesis that has evolved into the key academic discipline of Earth System Science.


Capital needs a new approach to tree surgery

Oped, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 17/02/2021

» Pictures of numerous chopped down tree trunks scattered near the walls of Wat Po in the Rattanakosin old town area were shared on social media and immediately triggered public outrage.



Blast must be explained

Oped, Editorial, Published on 28/10/2020

» The energy giant PTT owes the public a thorough explanation over what caused one of its gas pipelines to explode in Bang Bo district late last week and what the company will do to prevent similar tragic incidents from recurring in the future.


Can one little plaque do that much 'damage'?

Oped, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 23/09/2020

» Less than 24 hours after the anti-dictatorship activists installed a plaque symbolising democracy at Sanam Luang before wrapping up the rally, state agencies managed to remove it, explaining that the brass item "damages" the historical site. Wow! Such swift action by state agencies is rare.


Multilateralism the key for Pakistan, Thailand

News, Published on 26/08/2020

» Pakistan and Thailand have traditionally relied on multilateralism in the conduct of foreign policy. Abiding faith in the value of multilateralism drives our commitment to regional and international cooperation. With other like-minded friends, our two countries collaborate at the United Nations and a host of regional and cross-regional organisations to advance our shared objectives of peace and development.