Search Result for “risks posed”

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Aid must reflect vulnerabilities

Oped, Published on 13/02/2024

» Last October, at the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund in Marrakesh, member countries emphasised the urgency of scaling up development finance. In recent years, an extraordinary confluence of health, climate, and security crises has worsened global inequalities and eroded the economic and social gains of the last few decades, especially in many African countries.



Why the oil market refuses to catastrophise

News, Published on 20/01/2024

» Psychologists sometimes warn anxious and depressed clients about the danger of catastrophising -- fixating on the worst possible outcome, exaggerating serious but unlikely risks rather than evaluating all outcomes rationally.



Why won't states regulate artificial intelligence?

News, Published on 18/12/2023

» What happens when a globe-spanning corporation becomes so powerful that even nations have to answer to it? In the 18th century, the British East India Company (EIC) came close. Founded by royal charter to act as a trading arm of the British monarchy, the company grew into an imperial power in its own right.



Taylor Swift's Eras tour confronts climate crisis

News, Published on 22/11/2023

» Taylor Swift, one of the world's most successful and wealthiest pop stars, has come face to face with the climate crisis in Brazil during her global Eras tour.



Women bearing disasters' brunt

Oped, Published on 03/10/2023

» Of the many natural disasters that afflict India each year, floods are by far the most prevalent. This is no surprise, given that around 40 million hectares of land in the country are prone to flooding, and nearly 75% of the annual rainfall comes in the space of a few months.



Fossil-fuel industry tactics abetting climate crisis

Oped, Published on 01/09/2023

» As the world grapples with an unprecedented confluence of devastating floods, wildfires, and droughts, the debate about how to address the escalating climate crisis is increasingly distorted by big-business interests peddling false remedies and promoting deceptive narratives.



Corporate responsibility in the age of AI

Oped, Published on 09/08/2023

» In the past year, a cacophony of conversations about artificial intelligence has erupted. Depending on whom you listen to, AI is either carrying us into a shiny new world of endless possibilities or propelling us toward a grim dystopia. Call them the Barbie and Oppenheimer scenarios -- as attention-grabbing and different as the Hollywood blockbusters of the summer. But one conversation is getting far too little attention: the one about corporate responsibility.



Shine light on illegal pork

Oped, Editorial, Published on 29/07/2023

» The latest news about the Department of Special Investigation's (DSI) probe into illegal pork has shed light on a serious issue that, if left unchecked, will pose problems for the country's food security.



Transform development finance

News, Published on 27/06/2023

» In a world beset by rising temperatures, extreme weather patterns, and escalating natural disasters, the urgency of decisive action on climate change and the threat of future pandemics has never been more apparent. Both threats will affect us all. But the countries between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn -- including the Caribbean and Pacific states, and parts of Latin America, Africa, and Asia where another 40% of the global population lives -- are currently experiencing loss and damage four times greater than elsewhere.



Can democracy survive the polycrisis?

Oped, George Soros, Published on 16/06/2023

» We are living in troubled times. Too much is happening too fast. People are confused. The Columbia University economic historian Adam Tooze has, indeed, popularised a word for it. He calls it a "polycrisis".