Search Result for “reptile”

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Words you don't really want to hear

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/12/2022

» It's that time of the year when publishers of major dictionaries bombard us with what they regard as the "words of the year". They rarely agree on the same offering, but there is one common theme -- nearly all words selected are frankly rather depressing.


Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 20/12/2020

» In the mid-1970s, while travelling on the slowest train in the world from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi, I recall reading a substantial chunk of John Le Carre's espionage novel, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Though not a fast-paced book, it still had more momentum than the wretched train.


In the wake of the not so great debate

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/10/2020

» While there might have been an element of entertainment in a perverse sort of way watching the US presidential candidates slagging one another off like squabbling children, these politicians still have a lot to learn in the art of insulting behaviour.



Rolling out the big guns for the kids

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 14/01/2017

» Dear children, today you'll get to sit on the prime minister's chair. It's Children's Day and you're the boss, a fake boss of course, because the real boss will hold on to that chair with all his might. Anyway, it's your day, so sit, pick your nose and enjoy.


Messing about with monsters in the park

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/09/2016

» The most entertaining story of the week has been the round-up of monitor lizards in Lumpini Park, featuring diligent officials and a posse of perspiring newsmen stumbling about chasing after some 400 or so reptiles estimated to be residing in the park.



Great snakes! Or maybe, not so great

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/07/2016

» Anyone who has lived in Thailand for a while will have experienced some kind of unscheduled meeting with a snake. I've had a few close encounters over the years and have not exactly covered myself in glory. Just like crocodiles, I think snakes are best left to their own devices -- preferably as far away from me as possible.So what was I doing last week sitting face to face with a King Cobra?



The politics and poetry of private jokes

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 28/05/2016

» Let's compare scores. In Thailand, a python had a wrestling match with a penis. In Myanmar, a dissenting poet was punished for a poem allegedly written on his penis. In the Philippines, the newly-elected president, aged 71, announced last month that he didn't want to "hang" his penis, and that "when I take Viagra, it stands up".


Demerit for 'just' good intentions

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 16/05/2016

» Making merit is a good deed and deserves praise. In some cases, however, what we believe is a meritorious action might turn out to be flawed and frowned upon by others. An interesting recent example of this is the story of a monk releasing 100kg of fish into the river, causing an uproar on social media.



Sea turtles riddled with deadly tumours

News, AFP, Published on 08/02/2016

» The young patient writhes on the operating table, kicking its flippers. A team of medical attendants turns it over, revealing an underbelly cluttered with tumours, some as big as golf balls.



Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 31/10/2014

» What weird delicacy can diners order at an eatery in the northern province of Lamphun?