Search Result for “queen”

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Telling fortunes 'a nice little earner'

Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/05/2024

» A recent Thai news story concerned a man nabbed in an online fortune-telling scam. He would inform customers suffering from misfortune that their situation would dramatically improve if for a small fee he made a few prayers on his "direct line" to the deities in heaven.


Those acronyms can be bit of a pain

Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/05/2024

» One of my pet peeves with newspapers around the globe has always been the proliferation of acronyms, especially in headlines. Apart from the fact that no one really has the faintest idea what they stand for there's something about them that's just plain ugly.


Sanctions need global governance

Oped, Published on 12/04/2024

» As Russia's war against Ukraine has entered its third year, Western governments are finding it increasingly difficult to muster the funding Ukraine needs to defend itself. The European Union struggled to reach a €50 billion (1.9 trillion baht) aid deal in February, and the United States remains deadlocked over its own US$60 billion (about 2.2 trillion baht) funding package. Now, calls to use Russia's own assets to fund the Ukrainian war effort are growing louder.



Delicate art of being nasty and nice

Roger Crutchley, Published on 31/03/2024

» One word we have been subjected to almost on a daily basis recently is "diplomacy" as politicians grapple with the world's woes without much success. A dictionary definition of diplomacy is "tact or skill in dealing with people". Unfortunately it is more complex than that as the world is in such a mess. Perhaps Ambrose Bierce was nearer the mark in his Devil's Dictionary when he described diplomacy as "the patriotic art of lying for one's country".



Seeking politics of solidarity under Putin's regime

News, Published on 18/03/2024

» In 2013, when I was 13, one of the oldest comedy TV programmes in Russia released a sketch in which a group of musicians performed a version of Queen's I Want to Break Free satirising the country.



Doubtful delights of standing in line

Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/03/2024

» It is encouraging to learn that the Prime Minister is concerned about large queues at Suvarnabhumi airport, particularly at the arrivals area. We've all probably experienced that sinking feeling after stepping off the moving walkway and being faced by a definitely non-moving formidable queue. It is especially grim if you've just suffered an exhausting long-distance flight and are already feeling knackered.



Take this tea tale with a pinch of salt

Roger Crutchley, Published on 18/02/2024

» Last month a US scientist caused bit of a stir in Britain when she suggested adding a pinch of salt was the secret to a perfect cup of tea. Not surprisingly this bold assertion from someone across the pond did not go down too well with the traditional tea-drinking English public. In some cases the reaction almost reached "boiling point".



Beauty queen shows old habits die hard

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 10/02/2024

» It did not end well for Karolina Shiino, the young woman who won the title of Miss Japan two weeks ago.



Don't rely on last year's trends for global economy

Oped, Published on 16/01/2024

» Behavioural economists have popularised the term "recency bias" to describe our tendency to be disproportionately influenced by the latest events compared to earlier ones. Could this cognitive phenomenon explain why numerous analysts have a rather optimistic tilt for the world economy in 2024? Or are there really positive trends counterbalancing the obvious and mounting challenges to global growth?



School sows seeds of food wisdom

Oped, Published on 06/01/2024

» 'I bring a very big sack of delicious wheat for all of you," Buto Trigo, a monster with a scary set of three eyes, told her audience of young people at an open-air theatre performance in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. "It's good to fry or steam. Try it! Your homemade cooking will look beautiful," she said, likening its beauty to that of the sinister queen she is allied to.