Search Result for “public health”

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Social media is just one online habit hurting teens

News, Published on 28/09/2023

» Last spring, my tween was begging for more independence, starting with being allowed to walk home from school alone. The kilometre-plus walk involves crossing a few busy streets. I was hesitant; she doesn't have a phone, so she had no way to contact me if something went wrong. But we practised a few times (with me trailing her a block behind) to be sure she was confident of the route and talked about what she would do in various scenarios. Then, we allowed her to do something that some parents in our uber-connected era might find truly wild: roam free.



Watch Apple TV's Extrapolations for the science, not the story

Life, Published on 10/04/2023

» Hollywood has long mined global warming to create terrifying scenarios of apocalyptic futures. Some of these aren't very realistic. Others are all preaching and no teaching. But the new Apple TV series Extrapolations takes a different, more science-steeped approach -- the episodes cascade through the future of this century, using real scientific projections and computer-generated special effects to show how global warming might play out under the most likely scenario.



Not ready for dystopia

Oped, Postbag, Published on 14/01/2023

» Re: "Five automation predictions for 2023" (Business, Jan 11) and "Five tech predictions for 2023 and beyond" (Business, Jan 10).



Walk the walk

Oped, Postbag, Published on 10/09/2022

» Re: "Chadchart offers his anti-graft recipe", (BP, Sept 7). Governor Chadchart says that honest leaders with a strong commitment to tackling graft are the key to fighting corruption. I fully agree and call on him to be a role model in being such a leader. Thus, he should not only be corruption-free himself but also committed to eradicating corruption.



Fragile, uneven recovery

Asia focus, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 24/01/2022

» The world has entered 2022 facing numerous uncertainties. After two years of fighting the coronavirus pandemic, the emergence of the Omicron variant now poses challenges to economies even in countries where vaccination rates are high.



Economic outlooks diverging in second quarter

Business, Published on 24/04/2021

» It is becoming obvious that the global economy, especially in some of the richer nations, is recovering. Recent indicators such as retail sales, industrial production, purchasing managers' indices and labour market indicators, show good signs of revival.



Vaccines in development hit 70, deaths top 114,000: Virus update

Bloomberg News, Published on 13/04/2020

» Seventy coronavirus vaccines are in development globally, with three already being tested in human trials, the World Health Organization said. The northeastern Chinese city of Harbin tightened rules to curb the spread of the virus.



Spain, Germany cases rise; UK PM remains in ICU: Virus update

Published on 08/04/2020

» Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the start of a turnaround in the fight against the virus could come after this week.



Markets rise as deaths slow in hotspots: Virus update

Published on 06/04/2020

» Germany and Spain reported lower numbers of new cases, a tentative sign that lockdown measures are easing the outbreak.



Europe tightens curbs with economic toll worsening: Virus update

Published on 17/03/2020

» Governments in Europe tightened curbs on free movement to stem the outbreak and are exploring ways to ease the financial impact. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is rallying Senate Republicans to quickly pass the House package of economic measures. Goldman Sachs Group now expects China’s economy to contract by 9% in the first quarter and Hong Kong’s jobless rate rose to a nine-year high. The Philippines became the first country to shut its markets in response to the widening coronavirus outbreak and some regulators in Europe banned short selling. US equity futures and European stocks reversed gains.