Search Result for “police stations”

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Better way to boost morale

Oped, Editorial, Published on 24/05/2024

» The new "Cops Combat" martial arts competition of the Royal Thai Police may have drawn criticism for potentially undermining the chain of command. Yet, the competition, which promises to be a "test of valour beyond the badge", is a good start as the RTP is acknowledging problems of morale on the ground.


India election fuels nationalist sentiments

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 19/04/2024

» Extreme nationalism always looks foolish or even deranged to those who have not caught the virus, but in India it's now official.



MFP must dare to rebuke dubious deals

News, Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 04/03/2024

» Convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's first foreign visitor since his release on early parole from Police General Hospital on Feb 18 was Cambodian Supreme Privy Council President Hun Sen.



How two little piggies saved their bacon

Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/11/2023

» Following last week's gripping yarn concerning the rescue of Fiona, the loneliest sheep in the world, it seems only fair to report on another tale featuring animals in distress. My thanks to reader Paul Drew for alerting me to the saga of two pigs, Butch and Sundance, who became known in England as the Tamworth Two, belonging to the breed of that name.



Women bearing disasters' brunt

Oped, Published on 03/10/2023

» Of the many natural disasters that afflict India each year, floods are by far the most prevalent. This is no surprise, given that around 40 million hectares of land in the country are prone to flooding, and nearly 75% of the annual rainfall comes in the space of a few months.



The train robbery that gripped a nation

Roger Crutchley, Published on 20/08/2023

» Last week on television I watched the two-part series The Great Train Robbery, an intriguing account of the audacious heist that made headlines in Britain all those years ago. It slowly dawned on me that this month is the 60th anniversary of that extraordinary robbery which took place on August 8, 1963, on the Royal Mail train from Glasgow to London. Frightening how time flies.



Riots' deja vu raises the stakes

News, Published on 04/07/2023

» A teenager killed by police in a Paris suburb. A wave of anger that morphs into widespread rioting and opportunistic looting. A tough law-and-order response followed by an appeal for unity and calm -- and a political call for action that fades over time.



Cranes are a constant pain

Oped, Editorial, Published on 11/03/2023

» In the past fortnight, two construction accidents involving cranes have occurred, with one crane collapsing onto Rama II Road, one of the country's busiest arterial roads.



Commit to end torture

News, Editorial, Published on 21/02/2023

» Tomorrow should have been a historic day for human rights in Thailand. It should have been a time for human rights advocates and the public to celebrate because the Prevention and Suppression of Torture and Enforced Disappearance Act -- a crucial piece of legislation which took 14 years to pass -- was supposed to come into effect.



Keep calm – and keep hands off the art

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 23/01/2023

» The urban art landscape in Thailand was marred earlier this month when a popular contemporary installation of a white buffalo called Kwai Calm was broken by a drunk British tourist who attempted to climb atop the sculpture, which stands in front of Samyan Mitrtown.