Search Result for “police”

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The most dignified drummer in rock 'n roll

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/08/2021

» We sadly lost two legendary musicians last week with the passing of Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts (80) and singer Don Everly (84).



It's hard to beat a bit of Idle chatter

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/08/2021

» Thanks to readers for pointing out that in a recent column on quaint place names I failed to mention the village of Idle, now a suburb of Bradford, West Yorkshire.



The girl who was all 'eyelashes and legs'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/07/2021

» I was rightly admonished by a reader for not mentioning model Twiggy in last week's column concerning the "Swinging Sixties" in London. After all Twiggy was dubbed "The Face of 66" in a huge spread in the Daily Express.



Home alone … a case of bad timing

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 18/07/2021

» The emotional events at Wembley Stadium last Sunday inevitably stirred personal memories of a similar happening with a different outcome 55 years previously in the summer of 1966.



'King of fruits' is nothing to sniff at

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/06/2021

» Most people who have a functioning hooter will be well aware we are in the middle of the durian season. I got a timely reminder when my wife returned triumphantly from a day trip to the orchards of Nakhon Nayok last weekend laden with what is called the "king of fruits''. It is also the smelliest of fruits, prompting a brisk trade in T-shirts bearing the message "tastes like heaven and smells like hell".


Unearthing the true meaning of tea money

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 23/05/2021

» Thanks to readers for their entertaining comments and emails on last week's PostScript concerning the delights of drinking tea. There were assorted inspiring tales of eccentric tea ladies, quirky tea-time habits and important song lyrics I had overlooked.


A lesson in letting sleeping dogs lie

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 28/02/2021

» As the mug-shot for this column might suggest, I do have a certain empathy for dogs and generally get on well with our furry friends. Maybe it's because I was born in the Year of the Dog. But you never know what is around the corner.


Long in the tooth and fearing the pain

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/02/2021

» Ever since the horrors of the school dentist who had an uncanny knack of hitting the nerve, I have always regarded dental visits with some trepidation. The very word "extraction" is enough to spark spasms of terror. So last week, as I was sitting in a dentist's chair in Bangkok about to have a misbehaving tooth extracted, I was not exactly a vision of joy.


It could be fun, in a strange sort of way

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/01/2021

» A number of readers -- well, three -- have asked why last week's column did not contain the usual predictions for the coming year. My feeling at the time was that with the dark cloud of Covid-19 hovering over us it seemed a bit inappropriate to carry the usual frivolous PostScript predictions. However, I have had a change of heart and considering we are only 10 days into the New Year it is not too late to make silly forecasts.



When steamrollers saved the day

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 06/12/2020

» In recent street confrontations in Bangkok the police have regularly used buses as barricades against the protesters, hopefully letting any dozing passengers off first. People tend to fall asleep on buses and might get a bit of a fright waking up in the midst of a street showdown.