Search Result for “pick-up leaves”

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Challenges in tackling PM2.5 crisis

Oped, Published on 12/04/2023

» Chiang Mai has repeatedly been named the world's most air-polluted city this year. Not exactly a title to be envious about.



Artificial idiocy and the rise of the chatbots

Oped, Published on 29/03/2023

» There is nothing new about "chatbots" that are capable of maintaining a conversation in natural language, understanding a user's basic intent, and offering responses based on preset rules and data. But the capacity of such chatbots has been dramatically augmented in recent months, leading to handwringing and panic in many circles.



Loy Krathong Like It's 2021

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 19/11/2021

» I don't think you really need to be reminded how ironic Loy Krathong is every year. But in case you need a refresher -- you thank the goddess of water by floating a decorated basket that ends up as garbage the next morning. Not to mention, bits from these baskets break off and contaminate water. What a way to show gratitude, huh?



Five things to do to win Covid-19 fight

Oped, Saowaruj Rattanakhamfu, Published on 25/08/2021

» Thailand has money to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet people are falling like leaves. It's clear. Cash handouts cannot save lives. Highly effective vaccines can. Rapid mass vaccinations for everyone can. Everyone, Thais and non-Thais. No one is safe from the virus if anyone is left out.



Thai charter changes without reform

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 25/06/2021

» In view of the ongoing parliamentary debate about constitutional revisions, it has become the consensus that the 2017 charter is flawed and in need of change. At issue is the nature and extent of charter amendments. What is being proposed can be categorised into three positions -- those favouring amendments without fundamental reforms and others who want reforms with all necessary amendments, with some advocating measures in between. Owing to the powers of incumbency, status quo proponents aligned with the coalition government of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha are likely to carry the day, thereby stoking political tensions to manifest on the horizon.



Undue politicisation at finance and BoT

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 03/07/2020

» Thailand's economic growth projections continue to head south as the coronavirus crisis unfolds in the second half of the year. In its most recent forecast, the Bank of Thailand anticipates a sharp contraction of 8.1% this year, worse than the 5.3% it predicted in March. Downside macroeconomic risks are substantial as the Covid-19 pandemic could still degenerate and cause further global health and economic havoc. In this dire environment, Thailand will need steady and seasoned hands to oversee macroeconomic levers. Yet both the finance ministry portfolio and the BoT governorship now face uncertainty and potential politicisation that bode ill for effective and autonomous fiscal and monetary policies.


'Ugly' pantry scenes expose a nation divided

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 19/05/2020

» Some people may wish the Covid-19 outbreak could unite us in fellowship and valour to fight against a formidable foe in a manner akin to The Lord of the Rings.


'Flying comma' suffers a bumpy landing

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/12/2019

» Although it didn't make the headlines, there was a small item of news last week that will sadden those who treasure the English language. It looks like the poor old apostrophe is coming to a full stop. Finally admitting defeat, the chairman of Britain's Apostrophe Protection Society dedicated to preserving the much-abused punctuation mark, threw in the towel and announced it was all over, stating "the ignorance and laziness in modern times have won".


Travel Struggles Thais Can Relate To

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 01/11/2019

» If you're fortunate enough to travel on a regular basis, you may start to pick up on little quirks that come with it. While I don't consider myself consumed by wanderlust, I would like to think that I've travelled enough to be able to share a few amusing quirks and struggles I discovered along the way. For your entertainment (and in some cases, our common commiseration), here are travel titbits Thai can relate to.



New party shows hints of cracks

News, Published on 17/11/2018

» The Future Forward Party (FFP) is facing stiff competition even from the ranks of parties considered to be its allies, and the reported undercurrent being whipped up within the FFP is not helping the situation.