Search Result for “parties”

Showing 81 - 90 of 172



River carnage a crime

Oped, Postbag, Published on 01/10/2020

» Re: "Asean needs to act on Mekong River", (Editorial, Sept 30).



United? It already is

Oped, Postbag, Published on 08/08/2020

» Re: "We must stay united, says PM", (BP, Aug 7).



Brit pensioners unite!

Oped, Postbag, Published on 22/07/2020

» It was good to read Paritta Wangkiat's piece on the need for pension reform for elderly Thais. (Opinion, July 20). All old people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.



Road to where?

Oped, Postbag, Published on 02/05/2020

» Re: "Cut govt some slack", (PostBag, April 29).



Why close the parks?

Oped, Postbag, Published on 04/04/2020

» Over the past month, hundreds of people -- especially the elderly -- jogged in Benjakiti Park daily and thousands in Lumpini Park. At this time, it is important for people, especially elderly people, to get lots of sunshine and exercise.



FFP was singled out

Oped, Postbag, Published on 14/03/2020

» Re: "It's not just about FFP", (PostBag, March 12). Khun Piya Samyan defends the Constitutional Court dissolving the Future Forward Party, because "it did violate the law regarding acquisition of income". This is about the "rule of law that is equally applied to all". I fully agree with Khun Piya that the law must be applied without fear or favour -- for if not, the government would be weaponising the law to slay its enemies, so to speak.


Ruling is inconsistent

News, Postbag, Published on 27/02/2020

» I agree with the spirit of the Constitutional Court's verdict on the FFP's loan saga: loans should be considered as contributions. But have the Thai Election Commission or courts previously ruled that loans are, legally speaking, contributions? The Bangkok Post's Feb 21 editorial said: "The EC never ... informed political parties that there are regulations barring them from taking out loans. That's because there are no such rules." Also, if we had such specific and clear rules and laws, our EC and CC would have explicitly based their decisions on them, quoting the section -- but that's not the case.



Constitutional perks

News, Postbag, Published on 04/02/2020

» The recent article re the ombudsmen's perks falls neatly into line with the similar perks granted to the judiciary which are perfectly explained in a very accurate assessment of recent Thai politics by the Cambridge University Press who articulated that "Meechai's constitution is designed to give more concrete power to an unelected elite minority -- the army, the judiciary and 'independent' organisations". It goes on to suggest that " the voters' electoral mandate will be less meaningful in deciding who should govern.


Easy, but dire, option

News, Postbag, Published on 03/02/2020

» Re: "Chinese tourists desert Phuket as virus spreads", (Online, Feb 1).



Let's talk about sex

News, Postbag, Published on 22/01/2020

» "The Edutainment Continues", (Life, Jan 21), reveals something strange about the human condition; that one of the two most important experiences in life are taboo topics for social discourse and education. Everybody arrives here through sex, and everyone will die. These two factors are the only true common denominators about existence shared by all.