Search Result for “not bound”

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The mother of all climate feedbacks?

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 10/05/2024

» 'Just like this year, last year the heatwave extended from parts of India to Bangladesh and Myanmar, and all the way to Thailand. This year it went further east, into the Philippines. So, it's the same pattern," said Prof Krishna Achutarao of the Indian Institute of Technology. "I do not particularly buy into this idea that El Niño is the cause."



The gigantic 'anomaly' in climate change

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 30/03/2024

» It was bound to happen some time, and the time could well be now. We know that when there was strong warming on our planet (like at the end of the last Ice Age about 11,000 years ago), there were sudden big leaps in the global temperature. It wasn't a smooth process at all.



The Gaza Strip: Creating a free-fire zone

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 18/10/2023

» Armies never tell you what their strategy is, but if you look at the problems they are faced with, you can usually figure it out.



Armenia's latest exodus: Not a genocide

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 03/10/2023

» It is a tragedy, but it is not a genocide. In a single week, almost all of the 120,000 Armenians who lived in the enclave in western Azerbaijan called Nagorno-Karabakh have fled across the border into Armenia. Most say they don't expect ever to go home again.



Putin provides a shot in the arm for Nato

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 12/07/2023

» When Nato held its annual summit in Brussels two years ago, all 31 presidents and prime ministers of the alliance’s member states dutifully showed up, but their hearts weren’t really in it. France’s President Emmanuel Macron had publicly declared Nato “brain-dead” in 2019, and nobody could find a good reason to disagree.


Can insurance come to our climate rescue?

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 09/06/2023

» California's fall from grace has been steep and swift, and now even the insurance companies are pulling out. The two biggest American home insurance companies, State Farm and Allstate, announced last week that they will stop selling insurance policies to Californians. Why? Climate change-related wildfires are making it too risky to insure Californian houses.



Who will take over when Putin regime ends?

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 29/05/2023

» Let us suppose that the current Russian regime collapses, with or without a Ukrainian military victory to give it a final shove. Who would be the least objectionable candidate to take over in Moscow?


Turkey and its hundred-year culture war

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 12/05/2023

» Turkey's elections are fairly free, and there is going to be one this Sunday. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been in power for two decades, and he should really lose by a landslide. Imagine what the United States would be like if Donald Trump had been in power for 20 years, and that's what Turkey looks like today.



Pakistan bound for crisis amid changed reality

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 04/04/2023

» Last year US President Joe Biden called Pakistan "one of the most dangerous countries in the world", presumably because of its potentially lethal cocktail of nuclear weapons and unstable politics. But somehow it staggers on endlessly, never resolving its permanent political crisis but never quite exploding either.



New UN climate report clutching at straws

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 27/03/2023

» The final report of the United Nation's climate body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has come out at last. The desperate optimism that characterised the last few volumes (this is part four of four) has frayed away to almost nothing.