Search Result for “new year”

Showing 51 - 60 of 202


Final curtain call for grand old station

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/12/2021

» There is some debate concerning the fate of Bangkok's 105-year-old Hua Lamphong railway station which is scheduled to close at the end of the month. Hopefully a happy compromise can be reached with the station being preserved as a museum and its immediate area a public park. The State Railway of Thailand should also be given leeway to make itself some money, even if it means yet another mall.


It's enough to give anyone grey hairs

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 28/11/2021

» A recent letter to the Bangkok Post from the ever observant Ye Olde Pedant suggested that Bangkok's BTS and MRT executives should display more imagination in the naming of new rail lines and avoid colour coding. He cited the proposed Grey Line which for him immediately conjured up images of passengers with silvery hair, otherwise known as "the elderly".


The physician with music in his soul

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/11/2021

» Many foreigners have chosen to make Thailand their home over the years and some go on to embrace the kingdom in such a manner that their contributions to the country will never be forgotten. One such person was British doctor Patrick (Paddy) Dickson who sadly died last week following a heart attack at the age of 92.


It's all aboard for the Land of Nod

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/11/2021

» You may have seen a news item during the week on how Hong Kong has launched a special bus service named the "Sleeping Bus Tour" for citizens who are desperate for forty winks. Apparently there are a lot of insomniacs in Hong Kong as a result of the stress of living in one of the world's busiest cities.


Situations vacant: Bouncer, must be polite

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 31/10/2021

» Troubling news from Britain. One in five nightclubs in the UK have not been able to reopen owing to a shortage of bouncers. For anyone unfamiliar with this terminology, bouncers are the big blokes at club doors whose main role is to chuck out undesirables. And if you still don't get the message, they are usually dressed in black. However, they are officially known as "door supervisors" which certainly looks better on a CV than "bouncer".


Back in the cinema again with 007

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 17/10/2021

» Just got back from watching No Time to Die, Daniel Craig's fifth and final appearance as James Bond and the 25th film in the franchise. It was quite a decent send-off for Craig and entertaining enough to sit back and enjoy my first visit to a cinema in a couple of years.


When great debate went into extra time

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/09/2021

» No-confidence debates like that taking place during the past week have become something of a tradition in Thailand, but it is rare for them to be successful. Perhaps the biggest excitement came some years ago when in the middle of such a debate one MP called a leading a politician a "toad", which didn't go down too well. But at least it livened up proceedings.



A country so different to anywhere else

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/08/2021

» The dramatic events in Afghanistan inevitably sparked memories of my own brief experiences of the country more than 50 years ago while on an overland trip from London to New Delhi and beyond.



Cornish pasty has its moment in the sun

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 20/06/2021

» The most important outcome of last week's G7 summit in Cornwall was undoubtedly the appearance of tempting new versions of the traditional Cornish pasty. One bakery came up with a large pasty called "Biden's big-un", while also on offer were "Merkel's minted lamb'', "Macron's mixed veg", and the cheese-filled "Boris' Stilton".



There's no excuse to be lost for words

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 06/06/2021

» It is always nice to come across new words and last week I discovered a tiny treasure trove of fancy locution thanks to the Grandiloquent website which specialises in flowery, but genuine language. Grandiloquent means a "pompous or extravagant style of language" and there is plenty of that about.