Search Result for “national football”

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Bad habits on full display

News, Editorial, Published on 25/03/2024

» The primary duties of MPs are vetting laws and scrutinising fiscal budget legislation. However, a recent incident involving a member of the Pheu Thai Party sparked criticism and raised concerns over the ethical conduct of elected representatives.



Student journalists need bigger seat at the table

News, Published on 06/01/2024

» Last year dealt heavy blows to the American news industry -- with turmoil in legacy newsrooms, local papers disappearing, the collapse of BuzzFeed and other digital news giants, and major firings and record-low audiences at cable news outlets.



Here's how to salvage COP28

News, Published on 30/11/2023

» The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai starts on Thursday. It has become increasingly clear that only a bold financing initiative spearheaded by the United Arab Emirates could provide essential funding and support to the Global South.



Safety fear hurts image

Oped, Editorial, Published on 27/11/2023

» Foreign tourists were once the mainstay of Thailand's economy, contributing up to 1.76 trillion baht to the economy before the Covid-19 pandemic struck, or about 12% of the nation's gross domestic product.



Premier League bets $5 billion on game theory

News, Published on 08/11/2023

» Competitive tension is essential to the thrill of any sporting contest. The world's richest domestic soccer competition hasn't been over-endowed on that score in recent years, with Abu Dhabi-bankrolled Manchester City winning England's top division for three consecutive years and leading the table again almost a third into the current season. Those hankering for a bit more drama might do better to turn their attention to the unfolding financial contest for control of who screens the games.



Births of a nation

Oped, Editorial, Published on 02/11/2023

» The government has pledged to tackle the low birth rate crisis, declaring it a national agenda item. Such a move is timely, if not long overdue, as Thailand has experienced a demographic imbalance for decades.



Rise of mixed-sex athletics will be good for sport

News, Published on 11/09/2023

» The assumption that an athlete's birth sex dictates his or her performance level has made transgender participation in sports a lightning rod -- but the issue is moot in a growing number of coed sports, from competitive sailing to pickleball to esports. And in the future, athletics are likely to evolve so that mixed-gender competition becomes much more common. That will lead to a rise in sports that are just as riveting, but more inclusive.



Making Asean more relevant to youth

Oped, Published on 31/08/2023

» International Youth Day is celebrated annually in August. Growing up as a young person in Singapore in the 1980-90s, I was more in tune with the arts, music, and literature of American and British influences than I was with local and regional popular culture. I was also more familiar with Western-based landmarks, for example the Eiffel Tower, than I was with those in Southeast Asia, such as Borobudur Temple. That was how oblivious I was of the region I was living in.



Stopping mangrove deforestation

Oped, Published on 26/07/2023

» Over the past 40 years, over 20% of mangroves globally were lost due to both human activities and natural retraction.



National stadium woes

Oped, Editorial, Published on 25/07/2023

» The heavy downpour that resulted in the cancellation of the Spurs-Leicester friendly football match on Sunday evening not only upset local football fans but it has cast a shadow over the competency of the Sports Authority of Thailand (SAT).