Search Result for “military regime”

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Securing Thailand's energy future

Oped, Published on 22/05/2024

» Since the 2021 military coup in Myanmar, foreign governments -- in particular the European Union and the United States, have issued travel bans and frozen the financial assets of corporate entities and individuals involved with the military regime. The most recent US financial sanction on the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (Moge), a major source of foreign currency revenue for the military government, which took effect in November 2023, is a potential risk to Thailand as it is reliant on gas from Myanmar for electricity generation.



Time for Myanmar aid, trade rethink?

Oped, Published on 11/05/2024

» The Myanmar military's recent defeats in and around the border town of Myawaddy at the hands of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and pro-democracy resistance forces should serve as a wake-up call for Thailand.



Next few months crucial in Myanmar war

Published on 07/05/2024

» In the jungles of southeastern Myanmar’s Dawna Hills, rebels from an armed ethnic group are fighting to hold back columns of reinforcements sent by the country’s ruling junta to try to reclaim Myawaddy, a critical trading outpost on the Thai border.



Myanmar rebels set up border patrol near Mae Hong Son

Online Reporters, Published on 04/05/2024

» Myanmar's rebel fighters have reportedly begun strengthening defences against the Myanmar army by setting up patrols just across the border from Mae Hong Song province.



Website promoting Senate candidate registration goes dark

News, Published on 27/04/2024

» A website set up by the Progressive Movement to encourage people to run in the Senate election has temporarily shut down after being targeted by the Election Commission (EC).


The threat posed by Cambodia's new strongman

Oped, Published on 26/04/2024

» Although 2024 is being heralded as a banner year for elections, with dozens of countries -- representing more than half the global population -- holding polls, for some, it marks the nadir of democracy. Cambodia is one such case.



Ragtag Myanmar resistance sees tide turning in forgotten war

Published on 21/04/2024

» LOIKAW, Myanmar — The night Suu Kyi thought she would die of her wounds on the front lines of a forgotten war, a crescent moon hung overhead. A pendant of the Virgin Mary dangled around her neck. Maybe those augurs saved her. Or maybe, she said, it was not yet time for her to die.



Border security stepped up as Myanmar fighting rages

Published on 20/04/2024

» The Thai military and authorities are intensifying efforts to protect civilians along the Thai-Myanmar border, aiming to help Myanmar nationals seeking humanitarian aid while also preventing the spillover of violence into Thailand.



Why Myanmar’s war matters, even if the world is not watching

New York Times, Published on 20/04/2024

» SEOUL — An escalating civil war threatens to break apart a country of roughly 55 million people that sits between China and India. That has international consequences, but the conflict has not commanded wide attention.



Aung San Suu Kyi ‘remains in prison’

Published on 18/04/2024

» Informed sources in Myanmar say that Aung San Suu Kyi remains in prison in Nay Pyi Taw, dismissing reports that the former head of the civilian government had been moved to a house, according to The Irrawaddy, an independent Myanmar news outlet.