Search Result for “long”

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The pick of the bunch

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 05/07/2015

» Think of the qualities that make the banana such a useful fruit. It is available everywhere all year round, it can be eaten in a great number of ways, and it’s cheap. Thailand has many different kinds of bananas. The kluay nam waa is probably the most familiar of them, but there is also the kluay hawm, the little kluay khai, the kluay hak mook and the recurved and fragrant kluay lep mue nang, to name just some of the commonest ones.



Eaten alive

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 28/06/2015

» Even if we attempt to look at the subject impartially, and with a knowledge of the foods that most people prefer to eat today, we might wonder how it was that Thais of the past were able to create and enjoy certain dishes.



The sense of the ‘common’

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 07/06/2015

» Many people probably think of farmers, orchard keepers and fishermen as “common people”, and they would most likely describe themselves as ordinary workers or labourers without any high ambitions, lacking the knowledge needed for other kinds of work.



Recipes for success

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 31/05/2015

» Ask a noodle seller why they have chosen this particular business and you may well get this answer: noodles are easy to make, the investment is low and profits are good. Put the same question to the owner of a curry and rice shop and quite likely you will hear that he or she knew how to prepare the dishes, or perhaps had worked in another curry and rice shop, and that the food is easy to sell. People like it, and if you can set up shop near a market, dormitory or factory, business will be especially good.



A taste of Tokyo style

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 17/05/2015

» There are certain things that arouse buyer’s lust in second-hand or “pre-owned” form — vintage cars, works of art, or original furniture in Art Nouveau or Art Deco styles. When it comes to items for personal use like bedding, clothing or shoes, however, interest drops off sharply.



Watering down the Thai New Year

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 10/05/2015

» For many centuries Songkran, the Thai New Year celebrated in April, had a special meaning for Thais, one that drew on both religious belief and tradition. But today, with a much larger population, both society and ways of thinking have changed.



Get cracking

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 03/05/2015

» If mealtime is approaching and you haven’t given much thought to what you are going to eat, a simple omelette is a good choice. You can’t really go wrong with the basic recipe: break and beat the eggs, season with some nam pla, fry until done and serve with some hot rice.



A million ways to pig out

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 26/04/2015

» If you were to take a poll of what is the world’s most well-known dish, one of the answers you would hear again and again is grilled pork, in one of its many forms. And if you were to ask where it was at its best, you might be told that it is delicious no matter where you get it.



Gone but not forgotten

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 19/04/2015

» How is it that dishes that were once favourites can disappear completely from memory? There are a number of reasons. One is that the cooks who made them are all gone.



Getting down to brass tacks

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 12/04/2015

» Look back at the metal kitchen tools and utensils that people used to use daily in Thailand before modern replacements came onto the scene, and you’ll get a glimpse of the lifestyle of which they were such an important part. But you will also notice that some of them have survived into the present, with very little change.