Search Result for “limit price”

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Time for a recharge

Oped, Editorial, Published on 01/03/2024

» A power bank explosion on board a domestic flight that caused a fire in midair has raised concerns over safety measures regarding the widely used electrical device.



Time for gun limits

Oped, Editorial, Published on 20/02/2024

» Earlier this month, the Interior Ministry submitted a draft of an amnesty decree to the cabinet that would see individuals in possession of illegal firearms cleared of all charges if they turn in their weapons to authorities within 120 days of the decree taking effect.



Time to pull the trigger

Oped, Editorial, Published on 15/09/2023

» The killing of a senior highway police officer at the house of an influential kamnan in Nakhon Pathom last week raises alarm bells about the state welfare gun scheme.



'Beach' case settled at last

Oped, Editorial, Published on 16/09/2022

» A ruling has finally been handed down for a court case related to the production of the Hollywood movie The Beach. A Supreme Court verdict on Tuesday ordered the Forestry Department to restore Maya Bay, which was environmentally damaged during the movie's filming that began in November 1998.



A 'Mayday' call for better wages

News, Editorial, Published on 01/05/2022

» Covid-19 has changed the dynamics and definition of work. Today, no one bats an eye when they see people immersed in their miniature-laptop world at a beach or coffee shop.



Fuel subsidies need thought

News, Editorial, Published on 21/03/2022

» Russia's invasion of Ukraine has pushed up global oil and gas prices as well as inflation, forcing the government to pour more cash into fuel price subsidies.



Spare the parks, if not the eateries

News, Editorial, Published on 04/07/2021

» With talk of a fourth wave fast approaching, one can understand the snap decision that was announced in the Royal Gazette a week ago that barred restaurant dine-ins. The government, medical experts and folk in uniform at the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) must be worried right now, if they can take such a drastic decision -- in what seems like a blink of an eye -- and which is now causing (even more) catastrophic effects on the economy.



Boss' great flight from justice

News, Editorial, Published on 26/07/2020

» In December 2010, 16-year-old Praewa, who didn't have a licence, crashed her Honda Civic into a passenger van on a Bangkok expressway, killing nine. She belongs to a prominent family. Her punishment? A two-year suspended sentence.



Nuke walkout not a disaster

News, Editorial, Published on 05/03/2019

» United States President Donald Trump won a lot of praise for walking out of the negotiations with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong-un, last week. Prior to the two-day summit, there was speculation that both leaders were looking to make a deal. Hopes for such a deal have been dashed, at least for now, after Mr Trump refused to give in to Mr Kim's demand to move forward.



Gift-giving must be put out to pasture

News, Editorial, Published on 07/01/2018

» The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) must reconsider its plan to raise the gift allowance for cabinet ministers and senior officers which is currently capped at 3,000 baht.