Search Result for “labour market”

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US can't rely on inflation shamanism

News, Published on 23/09/2024

» Google "shamanism" and you will find that it is "a tradition of part-time religious specialists who establish and maintain personalistic relations with specific spirit beings through the use of controlled and culturally scripted altered states of consciousness." Every element of that definition applies to monetary policymaking today, as illustrated by the reaction to the US Federal Reserve's Sept 18 decision to cut the short-term interest rate by 50 basis points.


Overcapacity in China causing global concern

Oped, Published on 18/09/2024

» Chinese overcapacity is raising concerns worldwide. It is easy to see why: China accounts for nearly one-third of the world's value-added manufacturing, and one-fifth of global manufacturing exports. But there is good reason to believe that the decline of China's manufacturing sector is imminent.



Yes, let's reverse Brexit (just a bit) for Gen Z

News, Published on 07/09/2024

» What's the point of Keir Starmer's massive electoral majority if he remains hesitant to do something for young people on Brexit that's not just compassionate and sensible, but also very popular?



Can AI revolutionise prosperity?

Oped, Published on 06/09/2024

» As global economic growth slows, many hope technological innovation is a potential solution. The International Monetary Fund's latest World Economic Outlook, for example, highlighted the potential of artificial intelligence to boost productivity and GDP. But the report also warns that given the uncertainties surrounding the extent of AI's impact, such forecasts should be approached with a dose of caution. While AI could usher in an era of prosperity, this outcome depends on how these emerging technologies evolve.



Lessons to build a care economy

Oped, Published on 21/08/2024

» As populations age worldwide, the demand for care services is reaching unprecedented levels, presenting complex challenges for all societies, but particularly those in the developed world. This is also true for Uruguay, where the demographic profile is closer to that of North America and Europe than to its regional neighbours.



The US dollar is a problem for everyone

Oped, Published on 20/08/2024

» In 1971, US Treasury Secretary John Connally famously told his counterparts in the G10 that "the dollar is our currency, but it's your problem". Connally was being unexpectedly candid about the fact that, even though the greenback was the world's main reserve currency, its foremost purpose was to advance US interests.



Revamping development strategy

Oped, Peerasit Kamnuansilpa, Published on 17/08/2024

» Thailand's economic trajectory is teetering on the edge of regression, demanding immediate attention. Thailand's growth rates in the first quarter of 2024 fell behind all Asean member countries except Myanmar. These facts cast serious doubts on the efficacy of traditional economic development strategies. The primary goal of enhancing the well-being of Thai citizens is at stake.



New realities in Japan-Thailand ties

Oped, Kasit Piromya, Published on 15/08/2024

» If one were to review the existing relationship between two developed and developing countries throughout the world to determine which one was the most successful in terms of donor–recipient relationship, mutual respect, goodwill, and friendship, the Japan-Thailand partnership should be an answer that is most commonly cited.



Markets may be sending a signal

News, Published on 12/08/2024

» What looks like a financial market in disarray may instead just be normalisation that will ultimately help insulate investment portfolios rather than sending them to the ground.



Bangladesh's youth uprising has Arab Spring echoes

News, Published on 27/07/2024

» In recent weeks, the Bangladeshi government has cracked down violently on students demanding equitable access to coveted government jobs amid an unemployment crisis. To contain the protests, authorities have shut down all educational institutions, imposed a strict curfew, and cut off internet access. Thousands of police officers and paramilitaries have been patrolling the streets, and more than 170 people have died.