Search Result for “killing his father”

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Dying from debt

Oped, Editorial, Published on 13/04/2024

» The recent gruesome murder of a 10-year-old girl by her debt-ridden father in the northern province of Uttaradit raises doubts about the attempts of the Srettha Thavisin government to solve informal debt problems and related loopholes.



Why futile wars on drugs persist

News, Editorial, Published on 31/05/2020

» This month, two international rights advocate groups highlighted "drug war" killings as a result of the brutal campaign initiated in 2016 by Rodrigo Duterte, the maverick president of the Philippines.



Virus truth must be told

News, Editorial, Published on 27/02/2020

» The emergence of the latest three coronavirus cases in Bangkok shows just how vulnerable the country is to the threat of an uncontrollable epidemic.



Ray of hope for rule of law

News, Editorial, Published on 30/11/2018

» Much to the public's distress, the court case against construction tycoon Premchai Karnasuta, who was allegedly involved in poaching on a trip to Thungyai wildlife sanctuary, began this week. A myriad of pressures surround this case given the status of Mr Premchai whose business fortune puts him high up on Thailand's who's who list.



Totalitarian push a threat to region

News, Editorial, Published on 04/03/2018

» Following the result of the recent Senate election last Sunday, Cambodia is an inch closer to becoming the absolute authoritarian state. When it holds a general election in July, that status will almost certainly be achieved since the ruling Cambodia People's Party (CPP) of Prime Minister Hun Sen has already done everything it can to bury its rival party in a political killing field.



End Obama war legacy

News, Editorial, Published on 06/02/2017

» When outgoing United States president Barack Obama peacefully turned over power to his successor Donald Trump -- a mark of true democracy -- he also handed him some seven separate wars. Four days later, the military and intelligence community briefed Mr Trump on the controversial and costly war in Yemen. Five days after that, on Jan 29, he ordered a raid by the famous US Navy SEAL Team 6. President Trump's order was to kill a top-level al-Qaeda commander and seize documents from his Bayda province compound.



Agonising blow to peace

News, Editorial, Published on 09/09/2016

» A heartbreaking incident took place on Tuesday in Narathiwat when a motorcycle bomb went off at around school time, killing a five-year old girl along with her father and a street vendor.



An atrocity in Florida

News, Editorial, Published on 14/06/2016

» The barbarous butchery carried out by one man in a Florida gay nightclub indicates failures on several fronts. Omar Mateen, son of an Afghan refugee and salesman and consumed by hatred, opened fire and killed at least 50 people on the spot. By all accounts, he was motivated by two things. First was his growing and finally overwhelming hatred of the gay community, particularly gay men. Second was the call by the Islamic State (IS) for "lone wolf" terrorist attacks during Ramadan.



A crash course in systematic injustice

News, Editorial, Published on 20/03/2016

» Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. An expensive car crashes. One or more people die. A person with a recognisable name, either through their own fame or the position of their parents, emerges from the wreckage or flees the scene. No breath test is administered. Compensation is offered and the family tries to wriggle their way out of any legal consequences. The police fail dismally at their job.