Search Result for “it”

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Thailand's most unlikely A-list celebrity

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/09/2024

» Unless you have been in hibernation for the past few weeks you may have noticed that making the news has been the two-month-old female pygmy hippopotamus Moo Deng (Bouncy Pork) which has been attracting large crowds to Khao Kheow Open Zoo in Chon Buri. The little hippo, which acquired its name due to its "bouncy" behaviour has become an internet celebrity and indeed, an international star. She even made a guest appearance on the BBC World news.



Let's see what the ladies can do

Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/09/2024

» It was interesting to note the new Thai cabinet includes eight women which is a record for the Kingdom. This seems to be part of a trend as the recently formed British government features 11 female cabinet members.



Thai casinos are looming, you can bet on it

Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/09/2024

» It seems the Thai authorities are determined to open casinos as part of a large entertainment complex. The casino debate has been going on for decades during which an estimated 100 committees have been set up to mull, ponder, reflect, ruminate and even excogitate the pros and cons only to decide not to come to a decision.


You can look, but please don't touch

Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/09/2024

» When we were kids, most of us heard the words "don't touch that!" from our parents if we were in the presence of something breakable and possibly valuable. That's probably what a father wishes he had said when he took his four-year-old son to a museum in the Israeli city of Haifa last week.


It's getting to be tough at the top

Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/08/2024

» In these turbulent times around the globe you wonder why anyone would aspire to be a prime minister, president, dictator, despot, tyrant or whatever. Even in Amazing Thailand it can't be much fun being the PM. Just imagine waking up every morning and realising you are responsible for 71 million Thai citizens, all probably with some kind of grievance. Most of us have enough problems looking just after ourselves … and maybe the dog.


A magical weekend at Yasgur's Farm

Roger Crutchley, Published on 18/08/2024

» Every year there are anniversaries marking significant events from the past and they always serve as uncomfortable reminders that I am getting a bit old. A classic example is this weekend with the 55th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival. Now that's scary. Surely it couldn't have been that long ago?


Beatniks, beards, duffel coats and music

Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/08/2024

» There seems to be daily protests going on around the world including England. It is uncomfortable witnessing in my home country scenes of bricks being lobbed through windows, doors kicked in, businesses boarded up and terrified shopkeepers pulling down the shutters. Thankfully, things appear to have temporarily calmed down and hopefully it will stay that way.


Make way for the Bold Gendarmes

Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/08/2024

» The Paris Olympics have sparked memories of the time as an eight-year-old I was dressed up as a French Gendarme for a Christmas concert at a church hall in England. There were four of us and we had to perform The Bold Gendarmes, a popular song in the mid 1950s by French operetta composer Jacques Offenbach. It made gentle fun of the French policemen as the opening lyrics suggest:



When Bangkok bid for the Olympics

Roger Crutchley, Published on 28/07/2024

» It's been 100 years since the last Paris Olympics which was dramatically portrayed in the stirring 1981 film Chariots of Fire. I can still picture that opening scene with the British athletes running along the beach to the sounds of that Vangelis anthem. It's hard to believe that was made 43 years ago. If this year's Olympics are even half as exciting as the 1924 event it will be an achievement.


Those pesky pigeons and a plastic owl

Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/07/2024

» Fond as I am of our feathered friends I admit to getting in a bit of a flap over the rapidly increasing number of pigeons (nok pilab) that have been descending on our residence in recent times. Some people call pigeons "rats with wings", others more generously "doves without the PR". I must confess to be leaning towards the first of those opinions.