Search Result for “iot”

Showing 851 - 860 of 942


Closing the ICT gap across Asia

News, Shamshad Akhtar, Published on 03/10/2016

» Advances in information and communication technology have been instrumental in shaping and leading socioeconomic transformations across Asia and the Pacific. One key to this transformation is the technology bundled around the "Internet of Things" (IoT), which enables billions of devices and appliances to connect over the internet for more accurate, real time data collection and analysis on an unparalleled scale.



The tech effect

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 14/09/2016

» Following the announcement that it has become the first "smart city" in the country, Phuket recently opened its Smart City Innovation Park to promote development and technology learning as two of their key functions.



The growing world of innovations

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 14/09/2016

» The recent commercialisation of research projects has lead to huge progress in innovation and this has been proven by two projects from the National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec).



IoT a boon for Thai electronics industry

Business, Lamonphet Apisitniran, Published on 10/09/2016

» Manufacturers of high-tech appliances compatible with the Internet of Things (IoT) are seen as a sunrise industry that is expected to benefit from growth in modern lifestyles, says Somkurn Chycilaparungroung, managing director of Summit Electronic Components Co.



The IT future beckons

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 07/09/2016

» What are the next big things? According to a new study by International Data Corp (IDC), a leading analyst firm, the mega trends are Internet of Things (IoT) and the next generation of security and cognitive systems that will lead the next wave of technologies and Thailand will have to get ready to embrace them.


Asustek shifts tack to smartphones

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 13/08/2016

» Asustek Computer (Thailand), the local operating unit of Taiwanese PC maker Asus, is aiming to boost its smartphone sales to make mobile handsets the core of its revenue engine.



Brave new world

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 03/08/2016

» Thailand's agricultural, energy and medical sectors have seen efficiency improvements thanks in large part to the research and micro-electronics products produced by the Thai Microelectronics Centre (TMEC) under the National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre.



This big brother seeks to protect children

Life, AKIN, Published on 03/08/2016

» For safety and better communications among schools, parents and children, JnrLink Smart System has been launched in form of website and smartphone application to serve as a channel of communication where parents can be informed and receive updated information and news about participating schools as well as data on their children's status in real-time.