Search Result for “infectious diseases”

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The biggest killer you never considered

Oped, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 28/06/2024

» Some of the world's big challenges get a lot of attention. Climate change, war and immigration are constantly in the news and receive large funding from states and private philanthropies. Other significant problems like tuberculosis and nutrition receive less airtime and awareness but count among major global priorities, with funding allocated.



Multilateralism can bring success

Oped, Published on 21/06/2024

» Multilateralism, we are told, is in retreat. But we cannot let retrenchment and fragmentation take over. From climate change and biodiversity collapse to the conflicts, geopolitical tension, and turbulence afflicting today's world, we know that overcoming global challenges requires renewed and strengthened forms of global cooperation.



Covid closure is needed. Congress blew its chance

News, Published on 07/06/2024

» Congress blew its chance on Monday to give Americans some insight into the Covid pandemic that dominated our lives for years. Following a 15-month inquiry, Republicans on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic called Anthony Fauci to testify in public at a special hearing, but committee members spent most of the time posturing rather than probing the former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.



Climate change poses health threat

Oped, Published on 17/05/2024

» It is widely believed that climate change is the single biggest threat to human health. A global temperature increase of 2C -- a threshold that will likely be exceeded by the end of the century -- could claim as many as one billion lives, with extreme weather events, heatwaves, droughts, flooding, infectious disease outbreaks, and food shortages among the causes of death. But the situation may, in fact, be far worse because the current forecasts fail to account for the inevitable increase in antimicrobial resistance (AMR).



Immunisation programmes need to expand

Oped, Published on 30/04/2024

» There is a good chance that you know one of the 154 million people who, over the past 50 years, have been saved from preventable death by routine immunisation. You might even be one.


   AI could help eliminate tuberculosis

News, Published on 25/03/2024

» Groundbreaking new technologies seem to be emerging with increasing frequency nowadays. Since its launch in November 2022, OpenAI's generative AI chatbot, ChatGPT, has become a global sensation, attracting more than 100 million users and inspiring numerous imitators. The technology's fast-evolving capabilities have also commanded the attention of world leaders, dominating discussions at both COP28 in Dubai and the annual meeting of the WEF in Davos.


Death sentence for drug convicts is not acceptable

Oped, Published on 20/03/2024

» Nearly half of all state-sanctioned deaths around the world are for drug-related offences. This is not acceptable or justifiable and needs to end. My home country of Malaysia has taken steps to change this. Thailand and other countries should follow suit.



COP28 must focus on health crisis

Oped, Published on 21/11/2023

» Our continued dependence on fossil fuels is damaging our health and pushing global temperatures to record levels. The interlinked climate calamities of the past few years -- extreme weather events, food insecurity, water scarcity, and worsening air pollution -- are a direct result of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. But the adverse effects today could be just a preview of the catastrophes that await us.



Unlocking health technology's potential for all

Oped, Mariana Mazzucato, Published on 09/11/2023

» Covid-19 cases are on the rise again, offering a stark reminder of the lessons we ought to have learned from previous waves. Far from being confined to Covid, most of these lessons apply to infectious-disease threats generally.



Pay community health workers

Oped, Published on 26/10/2023

» At least six million women worldwide provide unpaid or grossly underpaid labour in community-health centres, often in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Many work as community-health workers. But, though this is a skilled job that should be salaried, only 34 countries offer community-health workers (CHWs) accreditation, training, and salaries, leaving the majority exploited and therefore less effective for their patients. If we are serious about making "health for all" a global priority, this must change.