Search Result for “iPhone”

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AI phones from Google, Apple will erode trust

News, Published on 17/08/2024

» Alphabet Inc's Google is racing to stuff its products with the most advanced artificial intelligence features, including some that will make you question everything you see and hear online.



When climate commitments fall short

News, Rapeepat Ingkasit, Published on 24/07/2024

» By early next year, Thailand and other countries are expected to update national climate commitments under the Paris Agreement, known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs). The Paris Agreement mandates that nations submit new NDCs every five years, with each round more ambitious than the last. These NDCs are essential for countries to collectively tackle the global climate crisis.



US must reform antitrust and patent laws now

Oped, Published on 09/02/2024

» When the United States enacted the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890, Senator John Sherman offered a famous justification: "If we will not endure a king as a political power, we should not endure a king over the production, transportation, and sale of any of the necessities of life. If we would not submit to an emperor, we should not submit to an autocrat of trade, with power to prevent competition and to fix the price of any commodity".



AI set to reinforce Big Tech's dominance of economy

Oped, Published on 19/01/2024

» With long-gestating antitrust cases against Google, Apple, and Amazon coming to fruition, many observers think that 2024 could be a turning point for Big Tech. Yet even as authorities press ahead with this litigation, they risk being blindsided by the rise of artificial intelligence, which is likely to reinforce Big Tech's dominance of the economy.



You too, may one day have your own satellite

News, Published on 20/12/2023

» The Space Race, launched more than 60 years ago, kickstarted an unprecedented boom in travel and communications beyond our planet. But it was a realm only available to national governments with multibillion-dollar budgets. Private industry has now taken over the sector, making personal satellite ownership a fast-approaching reality for consumers.



Crack down on scams now

News, Editorial, Published on 23/10/2023

» In yet another heartbreaking incident which showed the impact of fraud on our society, a 19-year-old student took her own life after falling victim to an online scam. After making a 20,000 baht down payment for an iPhone 13, she found herself ensnared in a web of lies spun by fraudsters.



'New Welfarism' becoming India's soothing balm

Oped, Published on 06/05/2023

» During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, many Indian economists and commentators believed the economy would skyrocket as soon as life returned to normal. But, despite the country's robust recovery in the two years since the pandemic's peak, the predicted boom has not materialised, nor does it seem imminent.



My breakup with TikTok was a return to reality

Oped, Published on 12/04/2023

» It was 2.30am, and I was lying in bed with my phone in my hand and my TikTok "For You" page fired up. I knew I shouldn't be awake. A month into my junior year of high school, my workload was already piling up. If I didn't get at least a few hours of sleep before my alarm went off, I would pay for it in class the next day.


Disrupting the disruptors on the internet

Oped, Published on 09/12/2022

» After a decade of unconstrained growth -- when it seemed that a new billionaire was minted every day -- the tech industry has finally hit a rough patch. Elon Musk's erratic behaviour following his takeover of Twitter has left the financially leveraged platform in a precarious state. The crypto exchange FTX's sudden implosion has vaporised a business that was recently valued at US$32 billion (1.1 trillion baht), taking many other crypto firms with it. Meta (Facebook) is laying off 11,000 people, 13% of its workforce, and Amazon is shedding 10,000.



'Spywaregate' needs answers

Oped, Published on 23/07/2022

» The National Human Rights Commission and other related agencies must step in to examine allegations that the government has routinely used phone spyware to surveil dozens of politicians and pro-democracy activists known for playing active roles in demanding the reform of major institutions.