Search Result for “game”

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Counting stars

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 13/03/2015

» Michelin. The magic culinary mark which should, more or less, ensure your dining experience is on cloud nine, among the stars. Undoubtedly, it is the type of experience only money can buy. Yet, ironically, money cannot always buy it.



Dazzling, dreamlike Cinderella

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 13/03/2015

» Good old storytelling and a bit of magic is what Disney does best (and should stick to). Let's all just sit back and be dreamy-eyed for a change — everything the Mouse House has churned out with a try-hard dark twist was terribly bland and forgettable (ahem, Alice In Wonderland) — or, in Maleficent's case, like watching an hour-long advertisement for Angelina Jolie. 



TV Thrones tomes good company

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 09/03/2015

» With the premiere date for the fifth season of Game Of Thrones only a month away, now is a good time for fans to refresh their memories of what has happened so far.



Fitness for dumbbells

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 28/01/2015

» If one yoga mat and a few dumbbells is about as far as you'd like to go to invest in your fitness welfare, then this newly updated version of Nike+ Training Club will not only help you save money, but time as well. You won't have to hunt for content on YouTube or anywhere else anymore with this free all-in-one trainer that designs workouts to fit with your schedule. The app also dishes out inspiration from the world's best athletes, tracks your progress and helps you keep connected with other gym crawlers so you can work towards your goals together.


You can always go Downton

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 15/01/2015

» On Monday, Joanne Froggatt of Downton Abbey fame won her first Golden Globe for best supporting actress in a series. I started to squeal, scream, cry and do a victory dance in my head as if I had just won the award myself. But because I was at work, I dutifully simmered down and continued with my enchanting office life. 



The year in style

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 30/12/2014

» A look back at 2014's local fashion scene



Scoring with winning hairdos

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 25/12/2014

» It takes a sports victory to incite the nation into a frenzy — and this time it's a little more than just mere sport.


With abundance comes indifference 

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/12/2014

» When you come from a third-world country but grew up in the West, or any other country "better off" than your own, far too long for your own good, the comparing game begins. Sometimes, it brings about a seed of discontentment with your current existence, although most of the time it's just a lot of whining. There is clearly lots to moan and gripe about in Thailand, to the point I sometimes find Kuwait more attractive by comparison. 


British style with a Korean accent

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 16/10/2014

» It may sound out of place: a Korean brand that sells quintessentially British clothes.


Robbing from the rich, but giving to whom?

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 26/09/2014

» Life has meaning again, now that Downton Abbey has returned to our TV screens, its fifth season beginning last Sunday. Its otherworldly visuals continue to draw me in, with the upstairs goings-on of the aristocrats and the downstairs drama among the servants still as captivating as ever. I actually have to remind myself every time I watch an episode that people from another continent in this world of ours actually lived like this less than 100 years ago: that cooks had to dine separately from the rest of the servants in a stately home; that members of the upper class changed clothes as often as five times a day; that it was inconceivable that a proper lady or gentleman would have to perform actual work to earn a living.