Search Result for “future”

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Highlights of Thailand's art scene in 2020

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 30/12/2020

» Like other industries, everything related to the art industry, from museums, art festivals, art fairs, galleries and more took a hiatus during the pandemic lockdown. However, after the lockdown was lifted, the country's art scene started to get a little more vibrant. Even Thailand's largest art festivals, Bangkok Art Biennale, returned.



Finding inspiration around us

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 16/12/2020

» Many aesthetic artworks begin with a simple line but drawings are often something beyond just a line. At the art exhibition titled "The End Is Now, Now Is Here: The Exploration Of Drawing", 25 Thai young artists explore and interpret techniques of their own "drawings" in different ways.



The perils of sharenting

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 07/12/2020

» In China, a three-year-old girl was forced to eat in front of a camera until she became obese. Even though she told her parents to stop feeding her, they didn't. It is one of the many cases where a child is abused by parents who want him or her to be a social media star.



Blossoming of hope

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 01/12/2020

» Alex Face aka Patcharapol Tangruen -- a renowned Thai artist -- has always been aware that his works will not last forever. While he may create an incredibly impressive mural today, it might be erased tomorrow as it is either painted over or the wall is simply torn down. The Covid-19 pandemic has only emphasised the fact that many things are vulnerable and uncertain. During the lockdown, Alex's wife ordered flowers for their home and the artist and his 11-year-old daughter created their own still life paintings of blossoms and wilting flowers. His iconic character -- a moody-looking three-eyed childlike figure in a rabbit suit -- is also included in a painting, and that is how he began creating his latest collection titled "Monument Of Hope".



In the land of the blind

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 26/11/2020

» Watjanasin Charuwattanakitt, curator of Palette Artspace, was upset by the news that authorities couldn't find any sex workers in Pattaya's infamous Walking Street or Soi Pan Suk in Pathum Thani, and that the director of the Government Lottery Office couldn't find any overpriced ticket-selling on streets. He wondered why the authorities pretended to not see these problems.



Age-old debate on the world's oldest profession

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 25/11/2020

» Should sex work be considered a crime? Thais have debated this for several decades. Prostitution was legal until the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act was launched in 1960 and later replaced with the current law. Even though 1996 law claimed to protect prostitutes and prevent human trafficking, it had the opposite effect because it still makes sex work illegal.



Focusing on the future

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 18/11/2020

» What kind of message would you like to send to your future self in the next decade? At the art exhibition "A Little Letter From Someone Somewhere" by renowned illustrator Yozanun Wutigonsombutkul -- better known as Suntur -- sending a letter to your future self is an activity that many young visitors are interested in.



Nowhere else to turn

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 10/11/2020

» Panaya Hasitabhan and her son Talay fought for two days over the ongoing months-long youth rallies. Talay felt it was unfair for the protesters to be sprayed with water cannons while his mother defended the action.



Double trouble

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 29/10/2020

» A variety of random characters and items -- Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro González, Japanese comic character Perman, Snow White, popular Glico Japanese snack Pocky and an ATM -- appear in the painting Justice Pillar from the collection "Doppelgänger" created by Verapong Sritrakoolkitjakarn, better known as Verapong VS Ayino. On view until Sunday at Kawit Studio & Gallery, "Doppelgänger" displays six oil-on-linen paintings and six woodcut artworks. Each artwork depicts subjects related to Verapong's interests including historical figures, Japanese and Walt Disney cartoon characters and things around us. Meaning a biologically unrelated lookalike or a double, the word doppelgänger is German, but Verapong sees it often when he reads Japanese comic books.



Waste not, want not

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 26/10/2020

» Thailand has become one of the world's largest garbage dumps after China banned waste imports, including electronics and plastics, from foreign countries in 2017. As a result, waste from many countries that was originally shipped to China is now being redirected to countries in Southeast Asia where strict environmental laws are not enforced.