Search Result for “foreign affairs”

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Despite Brexit turmoil, I'm proud to be a Brit

News, John Lloyd, Published on 21/01/2019

» This is a fine time to be British. Indeed, to be proud to be British.



No, Brexit Britain doesn't want its empire back

News, John Lloyd, Published on 14/01/2019

» Britain is moving towards an exit from the European Union on March 29, possibly with no agreement, and thus courting – according to the Bank of England – an 8 percent drop in GDP and a 7.5% rise in unemployment. A drear prospect, attended by matching drear commentaries on the stupidity of the 52 percent of the British electorate who voted for Brexit in 2016.



Building peace requires pragmatism and patience

News, John Lloyd, Published on 24/09/2018

» Doors are slamming all over the Western world; we shall not see them opened again in our life. This sentiment -- borrowing and adapting a remark attributed to British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey on the eve of World War I (his phrase had lamps going out in Europe) -- seems to me at least as defensible as Grey's prophecy.


Three liberal prophets of doom

News, John Lloyd, Published on 31/07/2018

» Liberal democratic institutions and states are under sustained pressure, from outside and from within. The question now is how well liberal and democratic defences can withstand the onslaught.



Trump's Iran nuclear decision strains US-Europe ties

Oped, John Lloyd, Published on 14/05/2018

» Does Europe still have a partner, a big brother across the water? One which can be a scold, a nag, an annoyance, a puzzle -- but which has always been there for it? A partner that is also a protector, with a military and security network of unrivalled power and reach? Is the United States still that partner?


Now, for a completely different clash of civilisations

News, John Lloyd, Published on 18/12/2017

» The Darkest Hour, a film which emphasises the courage and iron will of Winston Churchill through the first weeks of World War II, is drawing audiences and praise on its release in North America. It shows new generations that this man -- mocked and marginalised in the 1930s by his party -- was an inspirational leader during those bleak days, and beyond. Yet the acclaimed war-time prime minister was also an imperialist and a racist.



Xi's new power won't stop expressions of dissent

News, John Lloyd, Published on 30/10/2017

» Xi Jinping -- president of China, general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, chairman of the Central Military Commission, chief of the military's Joint Operations Command Centre, chairman of the committees on cyber security, economics and finance among others -- has a new honour that will linger long after he leaves office.



Immigration fear not limited to UK

News, John Lloyd, Published on 17/07/2017

» Britain's intention to leave the European Union -- Brexit -- will greatly affect the rest of the world. It's not confined to the effect it will have on the British economy, even if that is likely to be major, nor on the adjustments the remaining 27 EU states must make.



France finds it tough to rid itself of political corruption

News, John Lloyd, Published on 09/03/2017

» Political corruption in France is common, and usually -- if the politician is at or near the top of the political game -- unpunished by law. Yet the 2017 presidential election may mark something of a revolt against a semi-aristocratic disdain for the public whose tax euros have long been plundered for private or party use.