Search Result for “economic crisis”

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Curtains for Chinese opera?

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 27/02/2023

» "Hurry up," shouted a crew member who climbed up onto a makeshift stage. Casting sidelong glances, performers, half-clad, looked in the mirror and concentrated on applying layers of make-up. Nearby, a motley bunch of musicians and technicians double-checked their instruments. A stream of chatter from a growing audience -- without any partition between the theatre and real life -- put unintended pressure on the band.



Late King's wishes for Thai children

News, Published on 12/01/2019

» As Thailand celebrates National Children's Day today, I wish to share my recollection of a memorable audience with His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej and his profound message and wishes for the children of Thailand and the world. I had the great honour to meet the late king on Nov 12, 1998. I was then serving as Unicef's regional director for East Asia and the Pacific, based in Bangkok. The occasion of my audience with the late king at Chitralada Palace was to accompany visiting Unicef executive director Carol Bellamy. Also accompanying us was the late Thai foreign minister Surin Pitsuwan. ​



Building a company that lasts

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 22/02/2018

» The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are not merely a global agenda or war cry for sustainable development that is being taken up by governments around the world. To move forward towards global prosperity, there has to be a balance and interaction between economic and social health. As such, business corporations have an equal responsibility and, increasingly, a need, to incorporate sustainable practices into their operations and management systems. It is not just a public-relations exercise, but a factor that will give them an edge, and also provide for long-term growth in a world where business no longer caters simply to a small circle of "customers" or "shareholders", but the wider target of "stakeholders".


Dollar revival takes shine off asia stocks

Business, Published on 14/02/2017

» Recap: Asian markets fell early last week amid worries about Donald Trump's protectionist stance, uncertainty about France's political outlook, another crisis brewing in Greece and falling oil prices. However, sentiment picked up following Wall Street's climb to record highs after President Trump said he planned to overhaul business taxes. The Thai stock market see-sawed, with profit-taking keeping the SET Index in check while buying ahead of corporate earnings and dividend season limited the downside.