Search Result for “driving licences”

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Fixing flaws in Thailand's booze law

Oped, Published on 03/07/2024

» Sixteen years after the Alcohol Control Act was enforced to curb youth drinking, consumption among youngsters remains as high as ever, highlighting the law's ineffectiveness.



The rise of consumer cryptocurrency

News, Published on 26/02/2024

» Since its inception with the launch of Bitcoin in 2008, blockchain technology has gone through numerous cycles of public attention. Over time, growing interest and investment in the best-known cryptocurrencies has led to greater acceptance, as highlighted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission's approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF (exchange-traded fund) in January. While blockchains and their associated "crypto" assets have yet to be adopted by a truly broad base of consumers, that is starting to change, owing to a shift in how these technologies are being used.



Finding a remedy for reckless driving

News, Published on 19/07/2023

» Every year, nearly 20,000 people are killed in road accidents in Thailand. That is 50 people every day or two every two hours. Such a horrific toll makes Thailand's roads among the most dangerous in the world.



'Seven days' not enough

Oped, Editorial, Published on 14/04/2023

» The "seven dangerous days" campaign to reduce road accidents during the Songkran festival was officially launched on Wednesday, albeit without the usual fanfare and widespread publicity befitting the first fully-fledged Songkran in three years after the pandemic-induced hiatus.


Can China save its economic miracle now?

Oped, Published on 12/01/2023

» China's recent decision to abandon its strict zero-Covid policy has led many to believe that its economy will bounce back. The Economist Intelligence Unit, for example, has revised its forecast for Chinese GDP growth in 2023 upward, to 5.2%. But growth recovery is not automatic, and China must contend with several challenges, including declining confidence among firms and households about their future incomes in the short run, insufficient productivity growth in the medium run, and an unfavourable demographic transition in the long run.



The real threat?

Oped, Postbag, Published on 17/12/2022

» Re: "Retain citizen army", (PostBag, Dec 13) and "Conscription's days numbered", (Editorial, Dec 10).



Road safety a state of mind

Oped, Editorial, Published on 01/06/2022

» A new week and another campaign launched to try and drive down road accidents and deaths.



Break the mould

Oped, Postbag, Published on 07/05/2022

» Re: "Dove seeks to end forced haircuts," (BP, May 6).



Wonky rationale

Oped, Postbag, Published on 04/05/2022

» Re: "Chuan won't return as party leader", (BP, May 3).



Grim road toll stats not enough

News, Editorial, Published on 17/04/2022

» This year's Songkran holidays might have been a bit livelier with return of at least some fanfare and a trickle of foreign tourists, but one thing certainly has continued to put a damper on the festive mood -- the government's grim, if not misguided, obsession with counting road accidents and deaths throughout the holiday period.