Search Result for “development policy”

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America's Myanmar policy is simply all wrong

Oped, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 15/07/2023

» A recent joint statement by US President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi "expressed deep concern about the deteriorating situation in Myanmar" and called for a constructive dialogue to aid the country's transition toward an inclusive federal democratic system. Unfortunately, the US-led sanctions policy has undercut this goal and made a bad situation worse.


US-India ties too important to be neglected

Oped, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 18/10/2022

» The upcoming joint military exercise between the US-India known as War Practice, in a high-altitude area less than 100 kilometres from India's border with China, highlights the partnership's growing strategic importance. India holds more annual military drills with the US than any other country, as the two powers seek to improve their forces' interoperability.



China heads for imperial overreach

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 29/05/2017

» Chinese President Xi Jinping's tenure has been marked by high ambition. His vision -- the "Chinese dream" -- is to make China the world's leading power by 2049, the centenary of communist rule. But Mr Xi may be biting off more than he can chew.


Water woes taking an increasingly hard toll on Asia

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 28/04/2016

» Asia's water woes are worsening. Already the world's driest continent in per capita terms, Asia now faces a severe drought that has parched a vast region extending from southern Vietnam to central India. This has exacerbated political tensions, because it has highlighted the impact of China's dam-building policy on the environment and on water flows to the dozen countries located downstream.



Capitalism not always route to democracy

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 12/03/2016

» As US President Barack Obama prepares to embark on a historic visit to Cuba this month, the future of the communist-ruled island is the subject of widespread speculation. Some observers are hoping that the ongoing shift toward capitalism, which has been occurring very gradually for five years under Raul Castro’s direction, will naturally lead Cuba toward democracy. Experience suggests otherwise.



Tokyo must rearm but focus on defence

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 22/10/2015

» Japan's political resurgence is one of this century's most consequential developments in Asia. But it has received relatively little attention, because observers have preferred to focus on the country's prolonged economic woes.


Qatar's role in exporting jihadists

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 16/10/2014

» Qatar may be tiny, but it is having a major impact across the Arab world. By propping up violent jihadists in the Middle East, North Africa, and beyond, while supporting the United States in its fight against them, this gas-rich speck of a country— the world's wealthiest in per capita terms — has transformed itself from a regional gadfly into an international rogue elephant.


Friendless China mourns loss of North Korea

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 16/02/2014

» At a time when China's territorial assertiveness has strained its ties with many countries in the region, and its once-tight hold on Myanmar has weakened, its deteriorating relationship with North Korea, once its vassal, renders it a power with no real allies. The question now is whether the US and other powers can use this development to create a diplomatic opening to North Korea that could help transform northeast Asia's fraught geopolitics.


China's stealth wars threaten stability

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 12/06/2013

» China is subverting the status quo in the South and East China Seas, on its border with India, and even concerning international riparian flows _ all without firing a single shot. Just as it grabbed land across the Himalayas in the 1950s by launching furtive encroachments, China is waging stealth wars against its Asian neighbours that threaten to destabilise the entire region. The more economic power China has amassed, the greater its ambition to alter the territorial status quo has become.


Brics needs to be more than a name

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 27/03/2012

» As it prepares to hold its latest annual summit in New Delhi tomorrow and on Thursday, the Brics grouping _ Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa _ remains a concept in search of a common identity and institutionalised cooperation.