Search Result for “cybersecurity bill”

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Time to take data security seriously

News, Editorial, Published on 12/12/2021

» As we enter the last weeks of 2021, there's no better time to reflect on the past 12 months than now. While Covid-19, vaccine inequity, reversals on gains made in the fight against poverty, climate change, and shifting geopolitical conflicts captured the public's imagination, another scourge also made its presence felt, although rather discreetly.



Stop cyber law abuses

News, Editorial, Published on 11/10/2019

» Malaysia has shown the way. Its Lower House on Wednesday passed a bill to repeal the country's much-criticised Anti-Fake News Act. There is no reason for Thai parliamentarians not to push for a similar change to this country's very troubling Computer Crime Act (CCA) because this law has become a tool for authorities to stifle online communication and turn any netizen into a criminal.



Public faith in NLA dwindles

News, Editorial, Published on 08/03/2019

» The National Legislative Assembly (NLA), which overwhelmingly approved the controversial National Parks Bill yesterday, has again shown that it does not care about public sentiment.



Old habits in new cyber bill

News, Editorial, Published on 02/03/2019

» The military-appointed National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has done a disservice to the people by passing the cybersecurity bill on Thursday, despite concerns over its threats to personal and corporate data privacy.



NLA should step aside

Oped, Editorial, Published on 28/02/2019

» With less than a month to go before the general election, there are growing calls for the coup-installed National Legislative Assembly (NLA) to suspend its law-making duties and for its members to resign.



Hypocritical cyber bill

News, Editorial, Published on 03/01/2019

» Foreign Affairs Minister Don Pramudwinai, in his op-ed published on Tuesday in the Bangkok Post, underscored "a digital Asean" as one of the priorities which Thailand as the Asean chair envisions for the region to move "towards the blessings of peace, freedom and prosperity". On the same day, Vietnam's cybersecurity law, described by critics as "a totalitarian model of information control", took effect.



Revise the cyberbill now

News, Editorial, Published on 23/11/2018

» In what is seen as rare public opposition against a particular legislative effort, business communities, academics, social activists, lawyers and a senior judge have come together to rally against the controversial cybersecurity bill. Their main concern is that the bill would allow authorities to search private properties, seize computers and hard drives, and snoop for information on individuals and businesses without court orders.



Cyber bill has too much bite

News, Editorial, Published on 18/10/2018

» This year, the world has been looking out for evolving and more sophisticated cyber attacks, such as ransomware in the cloud and the weaponisation of artificial intelligence.



Beware the cyber warriors

News, Editorial, Published on 17/05/2018

» Recently, our authorities have admitted that Thailand needs to improve cyber security standards against hackers. Yet the government over the past four years has mainly hunted down other groups of "violators" -- political dissidents and lese majeste offenders.



True reform must involve people

News, Editorial, Published on 30/07/2017

» After their last day in office tomorrow, members of the military-appointed National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) will not leave much of a legacy, let alone be remembered for any progressive changes. And after spending almost two years and roughly 1 billion baht of taxpayers' money, mostly on their salaries, the NRSA members have little to prove they are worth the bill.