Search Result for “current price”

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Streaming service HOOQ seeks filmmakers

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 20/07/2017

» While more and more Asian viewers are tuning in to watch Asian content, many filmmakers in the region are still loathe to enter their local markets, where conservative, broadcast-oriented programming dominates the wavelengths. In Thailand, TV shows centre on the age-old soap opera format, while films are still largely limited to the trinity of horror, comedy and romance, be it from conservative studio execs to stringent cultural and regulatory measures that limit the freedom of creators to push the envelope.



Media's shifting landscape

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 23/01/2017

» When the news broke late last year that TrueVisions -- the largest cable TV service provider in Thailand -- would be cutting off six film and television series channels from their line-up beginning this year, a swathe of the network's subscribers were left in doubt as to the necessity of actually owning a cable TV subscription. After all, with online platforms like Netflix, Iflix, YouTube and even Facebook giving us the ability to access our preferred media content at any place or time of our choosing, many consumers are now given more choices in how they can consume media content than ever before.



Let the music play

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 15/07/2016

» Copyright and intellectual property recently became a high-profile controversy again, after a restaurant owner in Phrae reported a visit from a representative of veteran music and entertainment company GMM Grammy. The owner, who played music in his store through YouTube, said he had to pay 20,000 baht in copyright fees to the representative, who was also accompanied by a police officer.



Inking in progress

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 17/05/2016

» In what could potentially be a life-changing breakthrough for visually-impaired individuals the world over, veteran advertising agency J. Walter Thompson (JWT) Thailand has recently unveiled their Touchable Ink project, a CSR initiative to develop a special kind of ink that -- when exposed to appropriate levels of heat -- will rise up from the page, allowing conventional, household printers to replace expensive dedicated Braille printers.



Looking towards the Sun

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 20/02/2016

» Thailand is a geologically blessed country. We do not have any volcanoes, nor do we have to worry about house-wrecking earthquakes or tornadoes. It is our many blessings, however, that may have made us a little lax when it comes to our awareness of the environment.



Click to send

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 29/01/2016

» With traffic often crawling to standstills on the busy Bangkok streets, motorcycle taxis have become a necessary alternative for the population, especially during rush hours. But calling a motorcycle taxi in this city is not always easy, especially if there isn't a motorbike taxi station in the area.



Perfectly impractical

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 20/01/2016

» When it comes to smartphones, Sony is hardly considered among the "big boys" of the industry like Samsung or Apple. Approaching Sony's latest flagship smartphone, the Xperia Z5 Premium, I was sceptical at first. While the newest model in Sony's Xperia line proves to be a huge step in the right direction -- with an impressive 23MP back camera, 5.5-inch 4K resolution display and even workable water, plus fall-proof technology -- there are still plenty of caveats to the device that holds it back from standing toe-to-toe with the likes of Samsung's Galaxy S line or Apple's iPhones, despite the similar price tag.