Search Result for “couple weeks”

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Tracing error

Oped, Postbag, Published on 11/02/2022

» Re: "Get serious on tracing," (Editorial, Feb 1).



'Squid Game' lessons

Oped, Postbag, Published on 16/10/2021

» Re: "'Squid Game' rings true in our new reality," (BP, Oct 12).



Listen to the science

News, Postbag, Published on 22/08/2021

» Re: "Blueprint on how to communicate on climate change," (Opinion, Aug 20).


A century of sawing people in half

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 17/01/2021

» The most important news of the week is that magicians are today celebrating the 100th anniversary of a woman being sawn in half on stage. We could all probably do with a bit of magic in our lives at the moment, so let's wave the wand with a quick "abracadabra" and take a magical mystery tour.



Unlawful is okay too

Oped, Postbag, Published on 18/08/2020

» It has become commonplace to read in Thailand's newspapers that the students must abide by the law, not break the rules, show respect and not cross the line.



Mass testing best

News, Postbag, Published on 21/03/2020

» The most effective and cheapest way of controlling the Covid-19 pandemic will be to conduct mass testing of the population, as urged by eminent French infectious diseases expert Dr Didier Raoult. He has pointed out that cheaply mass produced testing equipment is already available and is being used effectively in South Korea. Countries, including Thailand, should build up this mass testing capability as fast as it can and test as many people as possible. That way it will be possible to isolate only those who test positive and it also makes it possible to treat those who start showing symptoms early which boosts the chance of a favourable outcome for them. This will be far more effective than locking down entire populations of people who are not infected and causing a massive economic dislocation in the process. In Thailand's case, it may cost US$325 million (10.5 billion baht) to test the entire population, but that would be a drop in the bucket compared to the $8 billion cost of a 5% decline in GDP.



Government lottery

News, Postbag, Published on 20/04/2019

» The current impasse with Thai politics in selecting a prime minister might never be resolved due to the problems with the rules as stipulated in the 2017 charter. Obviously, the rules were inadequate because there is no readily available solution.



Vulgarity on display

News, Postbag, Published on 09/12/2017

» While watching some poor old half-naked, badly deformed saleng struggle to push his empty ramshackle cart along the road this morning, I thought of the vulgar ostentatious display of wealth by our clearly insecure deputy prime minister this week.



Kindness goes long way

News, Postbag, Published on 13/07/2017

» Re: "A helping hand for our wasted food," (Commentary, July 12).



Setting an example on noise

News, Postbag, Published on 15/01/2017

» Yesterday was Children's Day, a time to celebrate and show our children our love, but we give them levels of noise well in excess of the 85-decibel danger level.