Search Result for “couple weeks”

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Is the new Twitter just like the old?

Life, James Hein, Published on 01/02/2023

» The Twitter situation is complex and somewhat confusing. On the one hand, all kinds of people from The Babylon Bee satirical website to former US president Donald Trump have been allowed back on the platform. The stated aim is to allow freedom of speech to be supported by Twitter once again. On the other hand, you can be banned by linking to a public photo of a public person on a public platform. The rule for the latter appears to only be for friends of Elon Musk. A YouTube channel I enjoy watching, The Quartering, did this after someone else had been banned and was also almost instantly banned himself. This is of course wrong in every respect especially given the individual in question, apparently now hypocritically, is always banging on about freedom of speech. Update, the ban is permanent.



The benefits and risks of neural interfaces

Life, James Hein, Published on 17/02/2021

» This week is dedicated to the brain-computer interface, or BCI. For some time now, sci-fi movies and TV series have presented the idea of a mind-to-computer interface that controls technology, retrieves information and displays it on virtual screens. Meanwhile, in the background, a number of companies have been working on this and the technology is close to realising some of the outcomes only seen in fiction so far.



Can't touch this

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 23/10/2020

» Thailand is known as "The Land Of Smiles" because everyone here is happy and joyful all the time... right? As true as that is, there are certain things you can do here that can turn that smile upside down.



Viral innovations

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 08/05/2020

» This pandemic has revealed a lot of things. For starters, booze is apparently a necessity and we were this close to rioting on the streets when it seemed like the ban wasn't about to be lifted. People who didn't give a crap about others were exposed but thankfully that was overshadowed by news of people helping out and being kind, decent human beings. We've realised just how much we rely on those who deliver our food, how much we miss travelling and whether we like to admit it or not, we actually miss going to work. To top this, the ingenuity of people has also been revealed and a bunch of new innovations have been created to help out as we try and recover from this life-altering state. This week, we've got innovations from Thailand that have sprung up in response to Corona time.



Together at home

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 27/03/2020

» Staying home, barely going out, staying in your PJs for the majority of the day, taking them off to shower some time in the afternoon only to change into fresh cleaner PJs -- welcome to the new normal. I forgot to mention the part where you work from home but let's be honest, are you really working from home or did you just breeze past one season of a TV show you're now re-watching for the fourth time? Nevertheless, we all seem to be confined to our homes for the foreseeable future. You may be the introvert of introverts but even you may get bored and stir-crazy being stuck in one place for a long time. Here are a number of things to give some levity to your lockdown.


A lot of money for fairly little phone, Apple

Life, James Hein, Published on 26/09/2018

» So, the news of the week, or at least as I write this, is the release of the new Apple iPhone range. There are three models ranging from the 5.8 and 6.1 inch models up to the XS Max at 6.5 inches. The latter is a real departure from the early days of Apple declaring that no one needed a large-screen phone. Compared to the latest phone specs across other brands, the features in the new iPhone range are not so special. They do all have very special prices and the bottom of the line starts at US$749 (Thai prices are TBA) and goes up from there topping out at $1449, which would make the whole range easily the most expensive phones per feature on the market today. For this you get no fingerprint reader, no headphone jack, average pixel density and cameras, no expansion memory port but dual SIMs, wireless charging and face detection. Even my most ardent Apple-lover friend will not be forking out their cash for those kinds of prices. I don't expect this range to sell anywhere near as well as earlier models. Seriously, what were they thinking?


Apple buys digital magazine subscription service

Business, Published on 14/03/2018

» SAN FRANCISCO: Apple Inc said on Monday that it would acquire Texture, a digital magazine subscription service that lets users subscribe to more than 200 magazines for US$9.99 a month.



'I sold the piano and bought a camera'

Spectrum, Published on 03/12/2017

» Journalism requires taking risks beyond the regular (and sometimes legal) call of duty. When breaking news happens or an injustice is found lurking in the shadows, journalists are often the first ones there to shed light on the stories that impact society's most marginalised. It requires a deep passion for sharing people's stories with the rest of the world.


Mind your passwords

Life, James Hein, Published on 25/01/2017

» Google, Facebook and Apple are the names of a few companies working on artificial intelligence (AI). I don't mean the kind of AI that simply teaches machines to be useful to humans, though that is also being done everywhere. I mean the self-aware kind. After so long at it I think the bigger organisations are locked in a series of dead end paths. Instead, I predict the first breakthroughs will come from small, even one-man operations thinking outside the cube. As an aside, when it comes to the search giants like Google or Yahoo and social media sites like Facebook, they all have their biases so the results you see may not be all that comprehensive, balanced or accurate.



Scouting out new superheroes

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 06/05/2016

» C.B. Cebulski may have been working at Marvel Comics for the past 17 years, but figuratively, he's been with the superhero powerhouse for 40 years -- becoming a fan the second his father handed him his first X-Men comic when he was five.