Search Result for “construction workers' camp”

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BMA wrong on tests

Oped, Editorial, Published on 16/07/2021

» The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) decision to conduct random, instead of blanket, Covid-19 tests on migrants at construction worker camps in the capital does not seem like a well-thought out idea and needs a review.



Closing worker camps needs a rethink

Oped, Published on 07/07/2021

» On June 27, the government announced that accommodation for workers both inside and outside of construction sites, transformation sites or demolition sites would be temporarily closed, while movement of workers would be prohibited temporarily for at least 30 days. The government reacted quickly in response to the growing number of clusters of Covid-19 cases. However, the government should also realise that closing down camp sites alone may not be able to help contain the virus unless there are measures to properly address the movement and health of migrant workers as follows.



Govt oblivious to senselessness of Covid-19 curbs

Oped, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 03/07/2021

» When the whole country saw how the prime minister was nonchalantly teasing reporters and giggling in front of the camera last Friday, we didn't know that it was just the beginning of a series of mishaps.



'Uncaring' govt sees discontent mount

Oped, Chairith Yonpiam, Published on 03/07/2021

» The poor performance of the state in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic, with record numbers of infections almost every day, has stripped Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and his government of the public's confidence.



Stop health staff threats

Oped, Editorial, Published on 09/06/2021

» Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul threatening state hospitals with disciplinary action for announcing vaccination delays will do more harm than good to this crucial mission.



Leaky border poses risk

News, Editorial, Published on 24/05/2021

» The alarming report of new Covid-19 variants found in a construction worker camp in Bangkok and in the deep South again shed light on the problem of illegal migration.


Suu Kyi's challenge

News, Pankaj Mishra, Published on 24/08/2016

» Yangon is suddenly a city of "phablets". Nowhere in Asia, let alone Europe, have I seen so many supersized smartphones in public spaces, and with such egalitarian appeal: Pavement vendors selling early 20th century British guides to English grammar seem as transfixed by them as Yangon's smart set playing Pokemon Go.


Migrant workers deserve proper treatment

Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 17/06/2014

» It is a morally disturbing fact that most if not all foreign illegal migrant workers have been exploited in both their home countries and in Thailand.


Easing the India-Myanmar border tiff

News, Published on 21/01/2014

» The bilateral relations between India and Myanmar have gradually shifted over the past two decades. A major change began with the introduction of India's "Look East" policy in 1991, triggering a shift from support of the then pro-democracy movement to the pro-military government.