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Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 03/07/2015

» As a part of my glamorous, coveted job, I am in contact with about 100 PR representatives per day. OK, maybe five, but still. While most of them are pleasant and send me food on a regular basis, I've had my share of traumatising experiences that I can't seem shake out of my pretty head. I'm not just talking about PR people exclusively — the young(er) generation of office workers can also drive office aunties like me up the wall.



From bars to stars

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 21/04/2015

» At a glance, you might think the above picture is a rotated image of two guys hanging from a bar. It's not; it's actually two very strong men performing a "Human Flag" — a horizontal side plank position while holding onto a vertical post or object.


Smackers go scarlet

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 10/01/2015

» The power of luscious red lips has long been considered the secret weapon of women. According to an Australian psychology professor Marita McCabe from Deakin University in Melbourne, when a woman wears red lipstick, she's making a statement that she feels good about herself.



Express ticket to good health

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 30/09/2014

» We live in a world with instant everything: instant photo sharing, instant messaging and instant food being just a few examples. As we grow less and less tolerant of waiting, new products and methods emerge to lure money out of our pockets; all promising instant results. Gone are the days when people believe in working hard to attain their goal. They want immediate results with minimal effort.



Heal your sole

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 20/09/2014

» We know how it is. We sometimes buy shoes based on how they look, not how they fit. A study by the College of Podiatry in the UK revealed that nearly half of the women surveyed admit to putting up with uncomfortable shoes for fashion. Forty-three percent admit they have continued to wear uncomfortable shoes even though they hurt their feet, and 37% say they have walked home with no shoes on after a night out because their feet hurt.



Memorabilia man

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 17/07/2014

» Motorists zooming down Mitraphap Road on the way to Khao Yai National Park in Saraburi are often startled to spot an old military aircraft with US markings looming in the distance. The sight is sufficiently odd to make many passers-by pull in and ask Paisal Phoprasert, the current owner of the plane, what on earth it’s doing there parked all alone next to the thoroughfare.



Toddling down cool street

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 12/04/2014

» Rybena “Nana” Tanwimol is a well-known VJ, model, actress and car racer. She is also a hip hop sensation’s wife and mother of gorgeous twins Bena and Brooklyn Guy Intachai. Now she is ready to take on yet another role — a streetwear brand aimed at babies and children called DekTay.



Hail a cab from the couch

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 22/03/2014

» Like many Thai girls, Juthasree Kuvinichkul was taught by her parents not to ride in taxis alone because of safety issues. Even men sometimes prefer not to take taxis because of negative stories we often hear about the drivers — rudeness, reckless driving, robbery and road rage, to name a few.



Keeping an eye on hand, Foot and mouth disease

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 21/01/2014

» The news about a three-year-old girl who died from hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) which made the front pages a few weeks ago has stirred concern among parents and teachers alike.



Learning to deal with disorders

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 05/03/2013

» For parents, children's school reports mean a lot. Those whose kids come home with straight As gloat proudly while those presented with less-than-perfect report cards feel a range of emotions _ disappointment, anger, worry or even fear.