Search Result for “chinese tourist”

Showing 11 - 20 of 36



Mafia pull alive and well

News, Editorial, Published on 05/12/2022

» Over the past two weeks, police have launched a series of crackdowns on "grey businesses" in several provinces allegedly linked to the Chinese businessman and alleged triad boss known as "Tuhao".



Building on Apec pluses

Oped, Editorial, Published on 24/11/2022

» The Apec summit gave Thailand and other Apec members an opportunity to strengthen their partnerships, with a number of cooperation deals clinched.



Root out rogue cabbies

Oped, Editorial, Published on 19/07/2022

» Whether you're a local or tourist in Bangkok, hailing a meter taxi is a game of cat and mouse. Will you get an honest cabbie who goes by the meter? Will the driver return your full change at journey's end?



Reopening poses global dilemma

News, Editorial, Published on 03/10/2021

» Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha announced on June 16 that his government would reopen the country within 120 days, falling in October.



The shame of Thai tourism

Oped, Editorial, Published on 07/08/2021

» The large numbers of deaths caused by the pandemic have already brought down the collective spirit of Thai society. Yet, the recent murder of a Swiss national in Phuket, a female tourist visiting the province under the Phuket Sandbox scheme, is morally appalling and a disgrace to the country.



Make the best of the re-opening

News, Editorial, Published on 13/06/2021

» After much dilly-dallying, the national vaccination programme finally launched last week, with around 400,000 doses administered across the country on the first day alone. With the promised cure now being distributed, the public can now start to see the government's plan for reopening taking shape, improving the general mood and outlook across the country.



Ailing patient needs help

News, Editorial, Published on 03/02/2020

» The novel coronavirus outbreak has sent a shock wave to the world economy, and Thailand is among countries bearing the brunt of the impact.



Killing the golden goose

News, Editorial, Published on 19/09/2019

» It's evident that the tourism authorities have woken up to the slowdown in arrivals, a key source of income for the country, and have intensified efforts to improve the situation.



Fee waiver not the answer

News, Editorial, Published on 22/08/2019

» The Prayut Chan-o-cha cabinet appears to have made the right decision in turning down a visa fee waiver proposal for Chinese and Indian travellers suggested by the Tourism and Sports Ministry. But the decision will ultimately have no effect, as at the same time, the government announced it will continue to allow Chinese and Indian travellers -- and citizens of 16 other countries -- to get their visas on arrival, free of charge. This is a strange irony.



Collar bombers not scapegoats

News, Editorial, Published on 04/08/2019

» The series of bombings in Bangkok and Nonthaburi, which injured four people last week, is a challenge to the new Prayut Chan-o-cha administration and those in charge of security affairs.