Search Result for “china”

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Why solar and wind are not winning

Oped, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 20/04/2024

» Despite us constantly being told that solar and wind are now the cheapest forms of electricity, governments around the world needed to spend US$1.8 trillion (66.3 trillion baht) on the green transition last year. "Wind and solar are already significantly cheaper than coal and oil" is how US President Joe Biden conveniently justifies spending hundreds of billions of dollars on green subsidies. Indeed, arguing that wind and solar is cheapest is a meme employed by green lobbyists, activists and politicians around the world. Unfortunately, as the $1.8 trillion price-tag shows, the claim is wildly deceptive.


Reducing emissions not so easy

Oped, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 10/11/2021

» At the UN Climate Summit in Glasgow (COP26), most leaders of rich nations are eagerly promising to decarbonise their economies by mid-century or even sooner. Yet, it is highly questionable if they and their successors will want or be able to keep their promise. Even worse, growth-reducing climate policies won't convince developing countries who need to lift their populations out of poverty and whose emissions matter most this century.


Setting goals to help world's poorest

News, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 16/09/2015

» In rich countries, the biggest causes of death are strokes, heart attacks and cancer, accounting for more than two-thirds of all deaths. But for the poorer world, people often assume that infectious diseases like diarrhoea, tuberculosis, Aids, malaria, measles and tetanus are the biggest killers.


Rolling out broadband access is money well spent

News, Bjorn Lomborg, Published on 27/07/2015

» If you were setting global priorities, what would you choose? Chances are that you would go for high-profile issues like health, nutrition and education. Obviously, no-one is going to ignore pressing problems in these areas, but there are other targets which could make a real difference to people's lives. Perhaps surprisingly, one of these is broadband access.