Search Result for “china”

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Western armed forces facing a recruitment crisis

News, Peter Apps, Published on 01/04/2024

» Every morning on the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D Eisenhower, an unsuspecting crew member is called to the bridge, presented with a cookie and asked to sit in the captain's chair.



US now pulled back to refocus on Middle East

News, Peter Apps, Published on 14/10/2023

» Early on Sunday morning, less than 24 hours after Hamas launched the largest assault against Israel in more than 50 years, an unknown object or force wrenched aside and damaged the key undersea gas pipeline and fibre-optic cable linking Finland and Estonia beneath the Baltic Sea.


Hopes for nuke deal not over yet

News, Published on 04/03/2019

» North Korean state media on Friday brushed over the lack of a summit deal for leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump, focusing on constructive talks and signalling Pyongyang was not about to walk away from negotiations.



Trump's Iran nuclear decision strains US-Europe ties

Oped, John Lloyd, Published on 14/05/2018

» Does Europe still have a partner, a big brother across the water? One which can be a scold, a nag, an annoyance, a puzzle -- but which has always been there for it? A partner that is also a protector, with a military and security network of unrivalled power and reach? Is the United States still that partner?



From Trump to Europe crises, what to watch in 2018

News, Peter Apps, Published on 29/12/2017

» Professional forecasters like to say that making predictions is difficult, particularly about the future. As we reach the end of 2017, however, here are some of the key themes -- and questions -- that look set to shape global events next year.



Trump tweets show disturbing side of social media

News, John Lloyd, Published on 06/02/2017

» Last March, three months before Britons voted to take the United Kingdom out of the European Union, then Prime Minister David Cameron asked Daily Mail proprietor Lord Rothermere to fire the newspaper's editor, Paul Dacre. The press baron, descendant of the family which did more than any other to create the British tabloid press, refused, and did not even tell Dacre of the request until after the result of the referendum. The incident, reported by the BBC, has not been denied by any of the parties involved.



Why America should be optimistic about Trump

News, Published on 21/11/2016

» I'm a Donald Trump optimist. Like the many who don't support him, I am alarmed that he won. But I don't believe he will be as bad as the worst fears. It's a very modest definition of optimism, but I think it's the best liberals can come up with.



China must act peacefully despite tough talk

News, Nopporn Wong-Anan, Published on 21/07/2016

» In April, Chinese President Xi Jinping told foreign ministers from 26 countries at the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia in the Chinese capital that Beijing is committed in maintaining peace and stability in the region and pledged to work with Southeast Asia in turning the South China Sea into a "sea of peace, friendship and cooperation".



Washington pulling back from the world

News, Peter Apps, Published on 04/04/2016

» For many in the US, the attacks on Brussels must have felt like more of the same. Once again, militants struck, the systems designed to stop them failed and all the blood and treasure of 15 years of "war on terror" appear more wasted than ever.