Search Result for “casual clothes”

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A gentle look at uniform behaviour

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/01/2019

» Reports that Bangkok Christian College is allowing students to wear casual clothes once a week might seem a trivial tale, but it could cause a few ructions in Thailand. This is a country where even university students wear uniforms and any thoughts about breaking out from this conformity are frowned upon. After all, it might spark "self-expression" which will send shudders down the spine of the education establishment. The next thing they know, students even might start asking meaningful questions.



Some rules need breaking

News, Editorial, Published on 10/01/2019

» While the Bangkok Christian College (BCC) "casual Tuesday" policy may have brought about friction between those who support and oppose the idea of letting secondary students dress down once a week, it deserves credit for challenging and questioning one of the country's draconian school rules and rituals.



Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 11/03/2016

» I was recently at a hospital visiting a friend. This particular hospital is famous for cosmetic surgery, so much so that I admit I was at first a little surprised my friend said she gave birth to her baby there.


Big girl, you are beautiful

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 02/09/2014

» I am fat. I am overweight. I am big. I am obese. I am large. I am big-boned.


Discretion is the better part of valour

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 08/11/2013

» While Thailand is currently buzzing with the anti-amnesty bill protests, this week another news item also captured my attention. It would have been elevated to talk-of-the-town status if it weren't for the current political quagmire.


A design that flops

Life, Prapai Kraisornkovit, Published on 05/04/2013

» There is a common joke among my foreign friends. How many seasons are there in Bangkok? Three _ hot, really hot and hot like hell. I've lived in Bangkok all my life and I agree that the weather is hot and humid all year round. But hot like hell is a bit of an exaggeration. If it is true, then the devil has met his match in the City of Angels.