Search Result for “candidates”

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Deepfakes will hijack your brain -- if you let them

News, Published on 22/02/2024

» Realistic AI-generated images and voice recordings may be the newest threat to democracy, but they're part of a longstanding family of deceptions. The way to fight so-called deepfakes isn't to develop some rumour-busting form of AI or to train the public to spot fake images. A better tactic would be to encourage a few well-known critical thinking methods -- refocusing our attention, reconsidering our sources, and questioning ourselves.



Has McKinsey & Co finally become unleadable?

News, Published on 27/01/2024

» It's a big year for elections -- and that includes McKinsey & Co's poll to pick the Global Managing Partner for the next three years. As in so many elections, there's a difference between the skills needed to get the job and those required once elected.



Prabowo gets a TikTok makeover

News, Published on 12/12/2023

» Indonesians will get a chance to hear from their presidential and vice-presidential hopefuls in the first of five televised debates this week. The theme of the discussion is, among other issues, human rights. It should provide an opportunity for voters in the world's third-largest democracy to probe the calibre and character of the front-runner for the country's top job.



The presidential poll isn't perfect. Vote anyway

News, Published on 31/08/2023

» Predictability is the name of the game in Singapore's elections. The ruling People's Action Party (PAP) and its candidates always win handsomely. And while their margin of success is the envy of political parties and politicians the world over, for the PAP every single point counts. It is a sign of just how satisfied Singapore's 3.5 million or so citizens are with the ruling party. And a signal of whether longevity and legitimacy amount to the same thing.



US presidential poll and implications

Oped, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 06/11/2020

» It is surprisingly unsurprising. Contrary to most polls and pundits, incumbent United States President Donald J Trump did not lose by a landslide in the presidential election this week. The final results are so close that both candidates, Mr Trump and Democratic Party rival Joe Biden, have claimed victory. Despite ongoing rancour and acrimony until the next US president is sworn in next January, several outcomes and implications are already clear.



The Cambridge Analytica red herring

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 21/03/2018

» Facebook is being hammered for allowing the data firm Cambridge Analytica to acquire 50 million user profiles in the US, which it may or may not have used to help the Trump campaign. But the outrage misses the target: There's nothing Cambridge Analytica could have done that Facebook itself doesn't offer political clients.



Coup against Mugabe is really nothing to celebrate

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 17/11/2017

» As leader of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe has survived longer than Stalin in the Soviet Union and Mao in China. If it's coming to an end -- which seems likely given his apparent inability to emerge from house arrest after the military took charge -- it's worth reflecting on the mistakes he made to end such a remarkable run.



Hillary Clinton may have lost, but women still won

News, Published on 16/11/2016

» There will be the temptation to see Hillary Clinton's defeat as evidence that a woman can't rise to the top. If we're not careful, the dominant gender will whisper in the backroom, let's not nominate one of them again.



Facebook's agenda and worrying hold on the news

News, Farhad Manjoo, Published on 13/05/2016

» Facebook is the world's most influential source of news.


Warren Buffett tumbles into 'The Confidence Trap'

News, Published on 04/05/2016

» Warren Buffett, chairman and chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway, is a confident man. Having built one of the greatest businesses in history, and having become one of the world's richest men in the process, he sees great prosperity in the rear-view mirror, and more of the same ahead.