Search Result for “campaign officials”

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So much for privacy

Oped, Postbag, Published on 13/11/2021

» Re: "24,000 tipped to fly daily in November," (BP, Nov 3).



Mass testing best

News, Postbag, Published on 21/03/2020

» The most effective and cheapest way of controlling the Covid-19 pandemic will be to conduct mass testing of the population, as urged by eminent French infectious diseases expert Dr Didier Raoult. He has pointed out that cheaply mass produced testing equipment is already available and is being used effectively in South Korea. Countries, including Thailand, should build up this mass testing capability as fast as it can and test as many people as possible. That way it will be possible to isolate only those who test positive and it also makes it possible to treat those who start showing symptoms early which boosts the chance of a favourable outcome for them. This will be far more effective than locking down entire populations of people who are not infected and causing a massive economic dislocation in the process. In Thailand's case, it may cost US$325 million (10.5 billion baht) to test the entire population, but that would be a drop in the bucket compared to the $8 billion cost of a 5% decline in GDP.



Silencing the youth

News, Postbag, Published on 14/12/2019

» Well, let's see. This week we learned that the permafrost in the Arctic is thawing much faster than was anticipated which is going to lead to a faster rise of sea levels than we had anticipated.



Damned if you do ... but they don't

News, Postbag, Published on 06/01/2019

» Re: "History repeats as graftbusters fall flat", (Opinion, Jan 4). Surasak Glahan's commentary on the frustrating dearth of objectivity, independence, fortitude and integrity of the National Anti-Corruption Commission is largely on the mark.



Help the poor, PM

News, Postbag, Published on 22/05/2018

» If this government is unable to win over the poor, it is almost guaranteed that the "Burn, Bangkok, Burn" party will return to power and who knows what lame brain policies Thaksin Shinawatra will come up with.



Coining a catchy slogan

News, Postbag, Published on 08/04/2018

» Almost a year ago the disappearance of the memorial plaque of the 1932 Revolution was described in these pages as being both "hilarious and deeply sinister".



Not you too

News, Postbag, Published on 24/03/2018

» Re: "Don't dress sexy, dept tells women", (BP, March 22).



Down the rabbit hole

Oped, Postbag, Published on 03/02/2018

» Help me, somebody, I think I must have fallen down a rabbit hole and found myself in a world as crazy as Alice did. In this strange, topsy-turvy world the people who ousted an elected government, an action usually considered more serious than sedition is now arresting protesters and dissidents for actions and speech inciting people to rebel against their government.



Not feeling blessed

News, Postbag, Published on 21/10/2017

» Re: "Blessed by the junta", (PostBag, Oct 20).



PromptPay hackable

News, Postbag, Published on 27/08/2016

» Re "PromptPay sows doubts", (Editorial, Aug 24).