Search Result for “brain pressure”

Showing 1 - 10 of 414



The power of the placebo

Life, Published on 04/06/2024

» DEAR DOCTORS: We use mints to help our six-year-old with carsickness. When the mints came from the tin, they didn't help at all. But when we started keeping them in a prescription pill bottle, the "medicine" made his symptoms go away. Is this the placebo effect? Why does it work?



Mastering the art of 'No Mistakes Swing'

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 03/04/2024

» Golf and psychology seem to go together and many a psychiatrist has been visited by a golfer regardless of their competence. I knew of one well known player who when under intense pressure went to what he called the "no mistakes swing" which he had in his repertoire -- a simple, reliable type of swing that he could call upon when he was in contention with a few holes to go. This swing wouldn't do anything fancy and wouldn't hit the ball as far as normal, but it was a repeating swing that would put his ball somewhere in the fairway or on the green.



Man receives pig kidney in medical milestone

Published on 21/03/2024

» Surgeons in Boston have transplanted a kidney from a genetically engineered pig into an ailing 62-year-old man, the first procedure of its kind. If successful, the breakthrough offers hope to hundreds of thousands of people whose kidneys have failed.



Probiotics may ease non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's

Life, Published on 19/03/2024

» DEAR DOCTORS: A good friend has Parkinson's disease. She has mentioned trying probiotics to her doctor, but he doesn't seem interested in the idea. My friend worries she might alienate him if she gets help from another doctor. Is there guidance about using probiotics with PD?



Flying high or fiery doom?

Life, Published on 01/01/2024

» Your horoscope for the Year of the Dragon.



'Dying every two hours': Afghan women risk life to give birth

AFP, Published on 21/12/2023

» KHOST (AFGHANISTAN) - Zubaida travelled from the rural outskirts of Khost in eastern Afghanistan to give birth at a maternity hospital specialising in complicated cases, fearing a fate all too common among pregnant Afghan women -- her death or her child's.



Anatomy of a fall

Tatat Bunnag, Published on 11/12/2023

» Accidents are an inevitable part of life, but when they involve seniors, the stakes can feel much higher.



Talk to a doctor before starting supplements

Life, Published on 05/12/2023

» DEAR DOCTORS: What is your opinion of the brain and memory supplements that we see advertised on TV? I'm also curious about other supplements, like the ones that are advertised to help with vision or for joint health. Do any really help?



When do we die? Disputing the definition of death

Oped, Published on 14/11/2023

» 'What is it you don't understand? She's dead, dead, dead." That is how David Durand, Chief Medical Officer of Oakland's Children's Hospital, attempted to convince the family of Jahi McMath that the standard medical tests for brain death had shown that their teenage daughter was no longer alive.



US surgeons perform world's first whole eye transplant

AFP, Published on 10/11/2023

» WASHINGTON - A team of surgeons in New York has performed the world's first transplant of an entire eye in a procedure widely hailed as a medical breakthrough, although it isn't yet known whether the man will ever see through the donated eye.