Search Result for “bomb”

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Something of a cover-up on the beach

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/08/2022

» A "No Bikinis" sign on a Thai beach prompted a considerable debate last week although it appears to be little more than a storm in a B-cup. The sign appeared on Koh Samae San, a small Chon Buri island owned by the Thai Navy which apparently disapproves of this type of swimwear.


When protesters wore duffel coats

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/10/2020

» There seem to be daily protests going on around the world at the moment for multifarious reasons and it got me thinking about the first street demonstrations I witnessed first-hand in England as a teenager back in the Stone Age.


All the news that's fit to print

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 09/08/2020

» The news hasn't been particularly uplifting recently, has it? Open the paper, or switch on the television news any morning and there is a good chance you will feel like going straight back to bed and starting the day all over again.


Season of silly hats and hangovers

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/12/2019

» The festive season -- otherwise known in Thailand as "Jinger Ben" time -- is well upon us, not that there is too much to get festive about.


The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/11/2019

» Every now and again in Bangkok something triggers memories of childhood days in England. Not far from my current residence a condominium is going up called the Glendale, which was the name of my local cinema back home in Reading.



A gripping reminder of the Dunkirk spirit

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 30/07/2017

» I've just got back from watching the film 'Dunkirk' and recommend it to anyone interested in this remarkable event, codenamed Operation Dynamo, that was to turn the tide of history and ultimately see the British and their allies overcome Adolf Hitler.



Just grin and look stupid and you'll be OK

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 16/04/2017

» When I was first in Thailand I used to think Songkran was great fun. Throwing water and getting soaking wet seemed a very sensible diversion from the overwhelming April heat. I was even a little disappointed if I didn't get a good drenching from grinning urchins. Everyone seemed so happy. It was definitely sanook.



Remember, a birdie always beats a bomb

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 02/04/2017

» It won't come as any surprise that US President Donald Trump, who frequently criticised his predecessor for spending too much time playing golf, has been a regular sight on the links since he came to power.



Forget missiles, what about the cigars?

Oped, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/12/2016

» When you are as ancient as me, certain current events act as reminder of major incidents in the past. This was the case last week with the death of Fidel Castro.



Pistol and Boo not the first shaggy dog tale

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/04/2016

» So Capt Jack Sparrow (alias Johnny Depp) and his dogs didn't have to walk the plank after all, following their indiscretions in Australia while filming the latest version of the never-ending Pirates of the Caribbean. It was bit of an anti-climax really -- like some of Depp's recent films.