Search Result for “big”

Showing 71 - 80 of 242


War narrative a fable not fit for the times

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 09/05/2022

» We were talking recently about how clever the Ukrainians had been to call the invading Russian troops "Orcs" even before all the atrocities in the Russian-occupied towns around Kyiv came to light. Then Tina said: "If Putin's troops are Orcs, then he must be Sauron."


Climate change hits southern part of Africa

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 27/04/2022

» Tropical Storm Ana in January, Tropical Cyclone Batsirai in February, then Dumako, Emnati and Gombe in quick succession: three cyclones and two "tropical storms" in six weeks hitting the coasts of southeast Africa.


Ukraine-Russia war's nuclear end-game

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 22/04/2022

» Last Sunday Vladimir Soloviev, the anchor of Russia's most popular current affairs show, Sunday Evening, was delivering his usual all-is-going-splendidly take on the war in Ukraine when he suddenly went off-piste. The United Kingdom, he suggested, is planning to use nukes against the Russian forces in Ukraine.


The impact of Russia's latest war atrocities

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 11/04/2022

» Four years after the Soviet Army fought its way into Berlin in 1945, Moscow built a huge memorial in Treptower Park to the 80,000 Russian and other Soviet soldiers who died taking the city. (5,000 of them are actually buried in the park.) And Berliners instantly took to calling it the "Tomb of the Unknown Rapist".


3 wars, 2 truces: at least some hope out there

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 07/04/2022

» Two weeks ago, the three biggest wars in the world were in Ukraine, Ethiopia and Yemen. Now truces have silenced the guns and the air strikes in two of the three. They are only temporary truces so far, but there is a reasonable chance that they could grow into something more permanent.


What's next for Ukraine as the siege goes on?

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 26/03/2022

» Russian troops are stalled for the third week outside most of the major cities of eastern and central Ukraine, but they have failed to surround and cut off any of them except Mariupol, the big port on the Black Sea that has become the Ukrainian "Stalingrad". Indeed, Ukrainian counter-attacks are driving the Russians back some distance in a few places.


Ukraine: a short pause for thought

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 13/03/2022

» Two weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine and still no "decapitation" of the Ukrainian government. In the past week, no city has been captured except Kherson, and maybe 2,000 military dead on each side.


North Korea: The sting in the scorpion's tail

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 02/02/2022

» 'They want to have a deterrence system that is like a scorpion's tail," said Professor Kim Dong Yup, a former South Korean naval commander. "North Korea's main purpose is not to attack but to defend themselves." They want a "diversified deterrent capability", and who could blame them?


Shrinking Asia changing global demographics

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 26/01/2022

» In the politics of population, the magic number is 2.1.


The industrialisation of space

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 11/01/2022

» It will be a bumper year for big space launches to the Moon, Mars, and asteroids, including many manned flights, but the real shocker is the number of satellites and spaceships being launched by private companies.