Search Result for “battery”

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Refilling stomachs, not cars

Business, Yuthana Praiwan, Published on 05/07/2021

» The next job on the checklist for PTT Oil and Retail Business Plc (OR), which operates the Cafe Amazon franchise, may stun its rivals embarking on non-oil ventures.



Big firms fuzzy on their AI thinking

Life, James Hein, Published on 28/10/2020

» Everything you see these days is AI enabled in some way, or according to the marketing they must be. Software, fridges, cancer detection and lots of other examples are all based on some kind of AI implementation. Google, Microsoft and all the big players are heavily invested in at least the buzzword, but the proof of delivery as promised is elusive.


Do you have a fear of spying?

Life, James Hein, Published on 11/10/2017

» So how safe do you feel in your home security-wise? I'm not thinking of malware but the ability for someone to snoop on you visually or through audio. There have been some concerns about devices like the Amazon Echo and similar being used to tap into what you are saying with everything recorded on servers that authorities could get from say Amazon.



Forget coal and embrace Energy 3.0

News, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 20/02/2017

» The protesters are clad in green T-shirts. They raise banners which read "No Coal", "Save the Environment". The place is Government House. The scene feels like deja vu. I have to pinch myself as it seems like I am back in the late 90s, a time when environmental protests were frequent across the country.