Search Result for “barrel oil”

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Is China stockpiling resources in case of future war?

News, Published on 29/04/2024

» In the eastern Chinese port of Dongying, the start of 2024 has often seen several tankers docked simultaneously discharging Russian crude oil into a new 31.5-million-barrel storage facility completed late last year.


Oil traders optimistic on war risks

News, Published on 23/04/2024

» Petroleum prices have fallen following Iran's missile and drone assault on Israel, confounding expectations that the escalation of the shadow war would cause them to rise.



Why sanctions against Russia are failing

Oped, Published on 23/01/2024

» When bilateral talks fail to resolve disputes between sovereign countries, aggrieved parties may turn to an international judicial body, such as the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Alternatively, treaties or agreements often incorporate provisions for arbitration or mediation of disputes by a pre-designated entity.



Why the oil market refuses to catastrophise

News, Published on 20/01/2024

» Psychologists sometimes warn anxious and depressed clients about the danger of catastrophising -- fixating on the worst possible outcome, exaggerating serious but unlikely risks rather than evaluating all outcomes rationally.



An early look at the 2025 market

News, Published on 12/01/2024

» The 2024 oil market is still in its infancy, but attention is already shifting to 2025. If the global economy is starting to abandon its oil addiction, as optimists contend, the first signs of the energy transition should emerge by next year. Spoiler alert: early indications are that the beginning of the end of the fossil-fuel industry remains elusive.



Understanding the mindset of green growth

Oped, Published on 10/10/2023

» Everyone needs a foil, and for many who are focused on climate and sustainability, economic growth -- capitalism -- is a convenient target. This is understandable. Economic expansion is the quintessential capitalist imperative, but infinite material growth on a finite planet is physically impossible. Hence the rise of "degrowth", "agrowth", "post-growth", and other concepts that have emerged to underpin seemingly sophisticated criticisms of the "standard" economic model.



Time isn't on Guyana's side for oil income

Oped, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 21/09/2023

» Guyana is not a "hellhole country" of the sort Donald Trump complained about when he said he wanted immigrants to come to the US from white places like Norway instead, but it did used to be poor, tropical and largely populated by people of colour.



Why all carbon credits are not created equal

Published on 14/08/2023

» NEW YORK - The market for voluntary carbon credits has been on a roll. In 2021, it grew to US$2 billion, quadrupling in a year. Boston Consulting Group, a management consulting firm, expects it to be worth somewhere between $10 billion and $40 billion by 2030.



Climate health needs forest care

Oped, Published on 10/05/2023

» Even before taking office in January 2023, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula de Silva promised to end illegal deforestation in the Amazon. He also revived partnerships to amplify financing of forest protection and announced a presidential summit of Amazon Basin countries to be held in Belem in August. Mr Lula is determined to accelerate global cooperation to protect the world's largest tropical forest, including by leveraging the newly capitalised Amazon Fund which is supported by Norway and Germany. President Lula and his environment minister, Marina da Silva, have made the protection and preservation of the Amazon a priority.



Opec seeks stability via 'quake'

News, Published on 10/04/2023

» Opec+ defends its surprise supply cut as being aimed at oil market "stability." One can only imagine the glum faces as they realised they had instead teed-up an 8% price spike. Oh well, at least the extra money will offer some small consolation.