Search Result for “army deployments”

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Western armed forces facing a recruitment crisis

News, Peter Apps, Published on 01/04/2024

» Every morning on the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D Eisenhower, an unsuspecting crew member is called to the bridge, presented with a cookie and asked to sit in the captain's chair.



Commitments of US navy mounting up

Oped, Published on 11/11/2023

» In the American game of baseball, the defending team must cover all bases; first, second and third. No matter how good and fast a player is, one person "can't cover all bases," as the expression goes. Cover one, and the ball would be hit to another. You need three players to cover first, second and third base. The best and most competent player can't successfully cover all three dispersed bases. That's common sense.



Throwing the cat among the pigeons

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 30/09/2018

» The rapidly increasing numbers of pigeons (nok pilab) has ruffled a few official feathers in Bangkok. There was bit of a flap after authorities warned that citizens caught feeding the birds would face a stiff fine, explaining the pigeons were spreading disease. These birds divide opinion, some calling them "rats with wings", others more generously "doves without the PR".



Beijing's South China Sea building fuels fears

News, Published on 26/05/2018

» At first glance from above it looks like any clean and neatly planned small town, complete with sports grounds, neat roads and large civic buildings.



Trump's Iran nuclear decision strains US-Europe ties

Oped, John Lloyd, Published on 14/05/2018

» Does Europe still have a partner, a big brother across the water? One which can be a scold, a nag, an annoyance, a puzzle -- but which has always been there for it? A partner that is also a protector, with a military and security network of unrivalled power and reach? Is the United States still that partner?



Elite troops no South remedy

News, Published on 17/10/2012

» Lt Gen Paradorn Pattanathabutr deserves credit for taking a new look at the old problem of violence in the deep South. But the army veteran's proposed solution of yet more military force requires much debate and refinement.