Search Result for “anti-terrorism police sources”

Showing 31 - 40 of 84


UN mulls anti-IS moves as EU eyes tighter border checks post-Paris attacks

AFP, Published on 21/11/2015

» PARIS - The UN was to vote Friday on a resolution boosting countries' powers to fight the Islamic State group behind the worst terror attacks on French soil, as the EU agreed to rush through reforms to its much-vaunted passport-free zone.


'Two jihadists' killed, two arrests in north Paris shootout

AFP, Published on 18/11/2015

» SAINT-DENIS (FRANCE) - Two suspected jihadists were killed, including a woman who blew herself up, in a shootout Wednesday in north Paris with police hunting the mastermind of last week's attacks on the French capital, sources said.



France seeks EU security aid, launches new air strikes

Associated Press, Published on 17/11/2015

» PARIS — France made an unprecedented demand for its European Union allies to support its military action against the Islamic State group as it launched new air strikes on the militants' Syrian stronghold, days after attacks in Paris linked to the group killed at least 129 people.


Japan warns of coming Yakuza gang violence

AFP, Published on 03/09/2015

» TOKYO - Japanese police called Wednesday for nationwide vigilance against possible gang violence following a rift in the largest Yakuza organised crime syndicate.



Who carried out Bangkok's deadly bombing?

AFP, Published on 20/08/2015

» Confusion swirls around who carried out Bangkok's deadly bombing. But experts say the unprecedented scale of Monday's attack and apparent targeting of tourists could indicate a game-changing escalation of tactics for the country's usual suspects -- or an entirely new threat.


Honest senior cops?

News, Postbag, Published on 20/08/2015

» Sanitsuda Ekachai’s Aug 19 commentary, “Minnows cop it hard as big fish prosper”, is like a tall glass of fresh water. There is a world of difference between low-ranking police and their superiors on high. Same for military ranks, where payment for promotion is a poorly kept secret.


EU, US urge Turkey restraint amid PKK onslaught

AFP, Published on 05/08/2015

» ISTANBUL - Europe and the United States on Tuesday urged Turkey to show a "proportionate response" in the face of daily attacks by Kurdish militants amid growing concern over the scale of Ankara's air campaign against the rebels.


Egypt looks set to approve disputed anti-terror law

AFP, Published on 06/07/2015

» CAIRO - Rattled by attacks on its soldiers and the assassination of the top prosecutor, Egypt is set to pass sweeping legislation critics say grants police impunity, censors media and further restricts freedoms.


French soldiers accused of paedophilia 'in custody in France'

AFP, Published on 02/07/2015

» PARIS - Two French special forces soldiers accused of sexually abusing children in Burkina Faso returned home Thursday and have been taken into custody, said a legal source.


Canada spy agency website hacked

AFP, Published on 30/06/2015

» OTTAWA - Hackers shut down the Canadian intelligence agency's website Tuesday, officials said.