Search Result for “anti-government”

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America's Myanmar policy is simply all wrong

Oped, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 15/07/2023

» A recent joint statement by US President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi "expressed deep concern about the deteriorating situation in Myanmar" and called for a constructive dialogue to aid the country's transition toward an inclusive federal democratic system. Unfortunately, the US-led sanctions policy has undercut this goal and made a bad situation worse.


'Belt and Road' is buckling under scrutiny

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 01/10/2018

» On a recent official visit to China, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad criticised his host country's use of major infrastructure projects -- and difficult-to-repay loans -- to assert its influence over smaller countries. While Dr Mahathir's warnings in Beijing against "a new version of colonialism" stood out for their boldness, they reflect a broader pushback against China's mercantilist trade, investment, and lending practices.


China uses trade as political weapon

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 31/07/2017

» China denies mixing business with politics, yet it has long used trade to punish countries that refuse to toe its line. China's recent heavy-handed economic sanctioning of South Korea, in response to that country's decision to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) anti-missile system, was just the latest example of the Chinese authorities' use of trade as a political weapon.



China heads for imperial overreach

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 29/05/2017

» Chinese President Xi Jinping's tenure has been marked by high ambition. His vision -- the "Chinese dream" -- is to make China the world's leading power by 2049, the centenary of communist rule. But Mr Xi may be biting off more than he can chew.


Saudi Arabia's phoney war on terror

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 23/12/2015

» Containing the scourge of Islamist terror will be impossible without containing the ideology that drives it: Wahhabism, a messianic, jihad-extolling form of Sunni fundamentalism whose international expansion has been bankrolled by oil-rich sheikhdoms, especially Saudi Arabia. That is why the newly announced Saudi-led anti-terror coalition, the Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism, should be viewed with profound scepticism.


Afghans must be ready post-US

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 31/03/2014

» As it braces for its upcoming presidential election, Afghanistan finds itself at another critical juncture, with its unity and territorial integrity at stake after 35 years of relentless war. Can Afghanistan finally escape the cycle of militancy and foreign intervention that has plagued it for more than three decades?