Search Result for “animals”

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Does religious freedom trump animal welfare?

Oped, Peter Singer, Published on 16/03/2024

» Last month, the European Court of Human Rights decided a case, The Executive Committee of Muslims of Belgium and Others v. Belgium, that required balancing religious freedom and animal welfare.


Research ethics on non-human subjects 'lacking'

Oped, Peter Singer, Published on 12/10/2022

» In August, Springer Nature, the publisher of 3,000 academic journals, including the "Nature" portfolio of the world's most influential science journals, announced new ethics guidance for its editors, addressing the balance between academic freedom and the risk that publication of some research will harm specific groups of humans. The guidance also mentions, though much more briefly, research using animals.


Do we share a childish sense of morality?

Oped, Peter Singer, Published on 10/09/2022

» Consider the following statements describing our moral judgements:


Stopping needless animal abuse

News, Peter Singer, Published on 23/07/2015

» In May, Pope Francis released his historic encyclical, Laudato Si, or "Praise Be". He chose his papal name, he explains in the text, because he considers St Francis of Assisi to be "the example par excellence of care for the vulnerable and of an integral ecology lived out joyfully and authentically". His namesake showed that concern for nature is inseparable from justice for the poor, social commitment and peace within oneself.